I hate Jif peanut butter. The only circumstance in which I would eat Jif is if I were dying on an island and it was the last thing I had to eat that would help me survive (but even then I would probably try to do some scavenging first to find some peanuts to smash with a rock or something). That being said, I am clinically obsessed with natural organic peanut butter. You know how our bodies are almost 70% water? I’m 70% peanut butter.
I start my day with peanut butter and on most occasions end it with peanut butter as well. If you ran into me on any given day and asked “have you consumed any peanut butter today?” the answer would be yes.
When I make a PB&J sandwich I give myself a spoonful of peanut butter on the side for dipping. When I eat peanut butter with a spoon straight from the jar I always choose the big spoon. When I eat bananas and peanut butter it’s almost impossible to tell that it’s a banana. Tell me what’s not to love about peanuts that are ground up to a beautiful consistency, loaded with protein and good fats and pair well with any accompanying flavor? I can’t think of anything.
I go through about a jar per week and I remain unashamed. I’m like Buddy the Elf with syrup.
Some people get addicted to drugs, but I’m addicted to peanut butter and working out — I think I’m on the right track in life. If you don’t quite know how one can consume peanut butter so much, here’s a list of things you can throw a spoonful or two into:
1. Put it on your toast
2. Throw it in a smoothie
3. Mix it in your best desert recipe
4. Add some to your pancakes
5. Make PB&J
6. Or do it like me, grab a spoon and open the jar.
Thank you, George Washington Carver.