Goodbye Sophomore Year | The Odyssey Online
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Goodbye Sophomore Year

My sophomore year turned out to be pretty awesome and I am sad to see it end.

Goodbye Sophomore Year

It feels like just yesterday I was moving into my new dorm to start my sophomore year of college. Now only three finals stand in the way of summer vacation and junior year. As I begin packing up my things, I find myself wondering how am I already halfway through college? When did this happen? Wasn’t I a senior in high school last week?

These past two years have flown by and I have had an amazing time. While my sophomore year was more hectic than my first year, (boyfriend problems don't even begin to describe it) I still had a great year. I got a new job that I absolutely love. With that new job came some really awesome new friends. I spent another year living with my absolute best friend and a random girl we had never met who drove us crazy. Lucky for us she moved out shortly after the start of the second semester but not before she gave us plenty of crazy stories to tell our friends and family.

My new job helped me discover what career path I want to go down so I am now pursuing a major in National Security as well as Criminal Justice. I could not be happier to have finally discovered what I want to do with the rest of my life.

This year I made some really great friends who love to go bowling on Tuesdays and sing karaoke on the weekends. Two-Dollar-Tuesdays is my new favorite thing about Connecticut. Though I was not sure it was possible, I became even closer with my old friends. I got them hooked on eating chips and salsa from Chili’s, so now whenever a big sporting event is on we immediately make a Chili’s run. Towards the end of the year, we also became obsessed with doing puzzles. I just put away the final one of the semester.

Long story short, this school year was full of memories that I will cherish forever. From getting in trouble in the dorms to singing karaoke, to weekends at Toad’s and lazy nights in the dorm I could not be more grateful for the people in my life. I had a tough start to the school year and everyone was there to pick me up while I was down. I discovered the true meaning of friendship this year. The people who stick by you through all the bad times are the people you want in your life for the good times. While I am still wondering how I am already halfway done with my college career, I can honestly say I could not be happier with my life right now. I have a great job, good grades, and amazing friends here on campus. My sophomore year turned out to be pretty awesome and I am sad to see it end. Thank you to everyone who made it so much fun. I cannot wait to see what junior year has in store for me.

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