2016 was easily the best year of my life. I laughed, I learned, I loved, I had my heart broken and I experienced some life changing moments. I cannot thank my family and friends for walking through this journey with me. Looking back at all of the pictures in my camera roll reminds me that there are things that I will continue to think about and there are others things that I will leave behind because they will not benefit my future. With all of this being said, I came up with my best New Year’s resolution yet. Is it to work out more? (probably should be but that’s for another article). No, it is to continue to be the strongest, most independent woman that I found in myself this year.
What I am leaving behind in 2016:
1. Paying $10 for IPSY every month.
I learned that $10 a month for just 5 sample beauty products isn’t worth it. I love doing my makeup, along with my friends, but in no way do I need it. (Okay I am keeping it for just January though because I am hoping they will send me something special for my birthday…oops).
2. The following songs:
They are overplayed and if they are featured on the radio one more time I may scream: Black Beatle, Head over Boots, One Dance, Somewhere on a Beach.
Come on Carrie Underwood, I need some new songs to replace these
3. Going to Bdubs every week with my friend Sydney:
We convince ourselves that we need it every week (although it doesn’t need a lot of convincing). Too much money has been put towards honey bbq boneless wings, when it should go to new workout clothes.
4. The people that doubted me:
I am leaving 2016 feeling the most empowered person I have ever been. If you ever once told me that I couldn’t do something, you can also say goodbye. There is no sense in placing time in people who do not invest time in helping me and my dreams. No more walking all over this girl! I do not have to prove anything to you, but I also cannot wait for the day for you to see me and realize that I am going to rule the world.
5. The boy who I apparently cared about more than he cared about me.
I met you and thought at first that I wanted nothing to do with this monster called “modern dating”, but as we continued to learn more about each other I began to think there might be something more. Apparently I was wrong. The term “communication is key” is not a joke people. It was weird for me to put that to a stop, but looking at it only a few hours later made me realize that it was the best thing to ever happen to me because I felt so empowered. MAN OH MAN a girl realizing her self-worth is dangerous .
(plus I can’t give up wearing heels…sorry)
What I am taking into 2017:
1. Carrie Underwood’s Greatest Hits: Decade #1 Album:
I discovered this to be the best CD to sing your heart out to in the car. I promise it will not disappoint and it can be found on Amazon for an incredible price. I mean come on, "Before he cheats" and "All-American Girl" are the best.
2. Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey:
I understand that this came out years ago but it should be featured every year. I pray to God that this ice cream will be around forever because it is my guilty pleasure. Hint to anyone looking to make my day: Show up at my door with a pint of this.
I tell them all the time how much they mean to me. I had a bad first semester of college and once I joined the BGSU Women’s Lacrosse team last January I learned what it meant to play on an incredible team. Each and every one of us contributes something special to the team. I can’t wait for this upcoming season with them and to work toward nationals in Salt Lake City, Utah. If any of you are reading this, I love you!
4. Continuous love for my best friends and family:
We made it another year guys! I can never thank you all for being my biggest supports. We all know I can talk for days without a breath and I appreciate you listening to it all. Oh and those wild dreams I have and all of the lacrosse talk during spring? Thanks for supporting that too. I promise to continue to be there for each and every one of you as well. No matter the time of day.
5. This huge empowerment kick I am in:
During the past 3 weeks I have been the strongest and most optimistic woman in the world. Nothing can stop me from doing what I love. I wish I could help some of my friends feel this way too, because as I feel like my own version of Beyoncé who isn’t worried about a d*mn thing. In my last article I talked about hard work and determination. It will never stop. I am so determined to make my name known around the world, and so far, I am proud of my work so far.
So no, I am not a person that is glad to see 2016 go, but that is because of all the things I learned along the way. I can tell you it was one of the best years of my life. Imagine how great 2017 will be too. Thank you to all who played a part in this amazing year, I can’t wait to tackle what God has in store for us in 2017.