Peace For The Police
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Peace For The Police

Whose lives matter the most?

Peace For The Police

Not long after "Mama" and "Da-da" enter our vocabulary, our parents begin to teach us survival skills. As soon as we can comprehend basic concepts, they drill three sequential numbers into our heads: 9-1-1. They explain the vital power that these three numbers contain, and they instruct us to dial the phone number in emergencies only. They create pretend predicaments and ask us how we would respond to the disasters to ensure we understand the difference between catastrophes and diminutive dilemmas. They teach us not to be afraid of first responders, particularly in emergency situations, because their only goal is to help people in need. In fact, children commend police officers, EMT's and firefighters so much to the point where a majority of youngsters long to hold the honor of these job titles as their own when they grow up. If only the world could maintain the admirable and respectful mindset that toddlers demonstrate toward first responders, especially police officers.

For the past week, I have felt physically ill every time I have watched the news. Each morning, the news reporters have had the unfortunate job of bearing barbaric news to the nation about the assassinations of a handful of our country's police officers. It could be said that there are good police officers and bad police officers. Likewise, there are good teachers and bad teachers. Similarly, there are good coaches and bad coaches. No matter the profession, there will always be employees who will make horrible decisions and costly mistakes. To say that an entire group of people is corrupt is a statement that lacks support. Stereotyping cops as monsters who desire to murder members of a particular race is not only false, but it shows a complete lack of intelligence.

I will be the first to admit that there are a handful of police officers who have made catastrophic decisions in the past, yet are shielded from larger consequences because of their badges. There are also a number of cops who go out of their way to make life miserable for people who violate trivial laws. However, on the contrary, the number of police officers who, at the end of the day, desire to make positive differences in their communities clearly outweighs the amount of cops who abuse their power. The evidence for this lies in the actions of the police officers on some of the worst days of our personal lives as well as our nation's history.

Picture one of the most horrendous days of your life thus far. Was a family member killed in a violent manner? Did you suffer from a severe injury? Was a loved one hurt in a serious accident? For a majority of life's curveballs, police men and women are involved. Whenever tragedies strike, police officers rapidly report to the scene willing to do everything in their power to help. It is ironic that the blue and red lights and noisy sirens that torment you as you speed down the highway in your car can offer you such a glimpse of hope and tranquility in emergency situations.

Let us take a step back for a moment. September 11, 2001 was a day that united our nation despite the terroristic acts that desperately attempted to divide us. The second the planes crashed, numerous people dialed those three vital numbers that they had learned as toddlers. Thousands of first responders appeared as quickly as their legs could carry them, and nothing could have prepared them for the mission they were about to undertake.

On that dreadful September morning, the second the officers saw the slightest signs of people struggling, they rushed to the rescue to escort the victims to safety. Many of these officers kissed their own families goodbye for the last time on that dark day in history. They paid the ultimate sacrifice for complete strangers, and if that doesn't show honor and dedication, I don't know what does.

Interestingly, none of the emergency operators asked for the race of the panicked people who called. When they rushed into the World Trade Center, the police paid no attention to the color of the skin of the victims. They did not pick and choose who they would help first based upon race. How could this be? The current violent protests on the news have attempted to sway individuals into believing that police officers desire to wipe out certain races. However, it is my understanding that these brave men and women vow to protect civilians no matter what race, religion, etc. a person in need identifies with. If you believe I am wrong, by all means, please enlighten me and call me out for my misguided information, but the last time I checked, police officers work under a strict Oath of Honor that requires them to risk their own lives to secure the safety and protection of other civilians, no matter who these citizens may be.

In conclusion, yes, black lives matter, white lives matter and so do the lives of every racial color in between. And yes, of course, police lives matter, too. We are all citizens of the United States of America, but, most importantly, we are all human beings who deserve respect and basic rights of life. In order for humanity to survive and thrive, we must join together to fight oppression with peace. Violence has never been and never will be the answer; therefore, it is our civil duty to push for peace for the police. After all, if the current trend continues and more public outbursts result in mass shootings of police officers, who will our nation rely on when crises arise? All lives are equivalent, and it is time for the world to realize this fact.

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