How can peace and acceptance ever be mutual in our world?
The two words we always hear are going into battle against the one and only word, “hate.” It seems as if the battle has always been going on, but yet has gotten so worse that now, some might not even know what to do anymore. Is it scary? Is this going to start people to actually fight? What is clearly right? There are so many questions that cannot quite be answered anymore because everyone either knows it, or they are just clueless. If there were a clearer path, a way where they could see what is really headed down that road, there could be answers if they looked right at it, glaring.
Seems to be it’s getting crazier and crazier. The world is pretty much falling apart, people are growing out of love, and the rest can be history. It was a tragic event of what went on Saturday August 12th, in Charlottesville, Virginia. According to the New York Times, the white nationalists gathered on Saturday for a “Unite the Right” march in Charlottesville, where they were met by counter protesters. This led into a chaos, with a car plowing into a group of counter protestors and another car, killing one person who was later identified as Heather D. Heyer, a paralegal from Charlottesville. Others were injured or running away from the horrific moment. Some of the groups that caused the violence were White Supremacists, KKK, and Neo-Nazis. As heard on the news, President Trump accused multiple of sides for the violence that occurred at the protest. This doesn’t only frighten and tear people away, but it alarms people in waking them up of what is really going on. Will there ever be peace in our world once we accept everything? Is it all going to finally stop so we can live without fear? These are the questions people might be wondering when such terror arises, but only time can ever tell if there will be Peace and Acceptance.
A lot of things go on, it’s hurtful even if it is not happening to us physically. But in reality, it is happening to us mentally and emotionally. Why this might happen is because these are our own kind. We are all human beings that show some kind of emotion to each other, but lately that emotion has been filled with hate. How can someone expect to have peace when there is all that negative energy around. There can not be any acceptance to those kind if they don’t understand anything at all. No one can ever tell when this whole fight will ever end, as if now, it will never stop. It seems to be that it keeps continuing and growing rapidly than ever. This is a disease that keeps spreading until it hits each and every one of us. Peace and acceptance are just words to the ones who don’t care, but they actually mean something more to the ones who do want change in the world.
“Acceptance Of Others, Their looks, Their behaviors, Their Believes, Bring You Inner Peace and Tranquility, Instead Of Anger and Resentment.” – Unknown