PBS Kids: All Grown Up | The Odyssey Online
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PBS Kids: All Grown Up

You didn't think your favorite PBS Kids characters were stuck in time, did you?

PBS Kids: All Grown Up

Ever wondered where your favorite PBS Kid’s Characters ended up? While you were growing up and moving on, so were your childhood friends.


Arthur graduated early from a prestigious University, and is now running as the Republican candidate for mayor for his hometown, Elwood.


DW was always a bit of a brat, and has been called other B words more recently. She goes by just “Dora” now, and is currently attending Indiana University as an English major. She always did have a way with words.


Clifford shrunk in his old age to about the size of a mini van, and is now more of a coral color. He’s happily retired on Birdwell Island.

The Dragon Tales Gang:

Max and Emmy were always very convincing (their mom actually believed they played in their playroom all day, for goodness sakes) and grew up to star in a brother-sister infomercial for quesadilla makers.

We're pretty sure that the rest of the gang lives happily in Dragonland. That is, if Zack and Wheezy were separated before the age of 12.


The teletubbies gang cancelled their show and moved their separate ways after “creative differences”. Po, the most famous Teletubby, and the baby sun (all grown up, of course) eloped after many years of friendship turned into true love.


Unfortunately, as you may have heard, our dear friend Zoboomafoo passed away last November at the age of 20 from kidney failure. Looks like he’s going on a trip without us this time.


Elmo’s voice did eventually drop, around the same age most boys’ do. He put some clothes on as well, and is now working as a dolphin trainer show at the Shedd Aquarium, with his pal Dorothy.


Matt grew up to be just as attractive as you thought he would, and decided to put his hacking skills to good use as a computer science major. The girls, it turns out, didn't really like math, and after helping Inez with a fashion makeover, Jackie started her own line of clothing.


Caillou unfortunately never grew hair, and started an alopecia awareness club in college. He graduated with a communications degree and got a job as a spokesperson for Bosley, the hair transplant surgery company.

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