The problem with today is that some people have luxuries that others cannot have but have only dreamed of. I've been taught to work hard for the things I want and be certain in the areas that make me who I am. The phrases I grew up hearing were fairly simple: if you want it, earn it.
It hit headlines just last week. Lori Loughlin, along with other known celebrities, was caught in the act of admissions fraud.
For those of you who don't know what that is, I'm more than happy to walk you through it. In order to be affiliated and caught in the direct action of this, one has to have lied their way through. Perhaps it's a bribe for grade boosters, acceptance, or an entire folder of a made-up life that is nothing like reality.
Lori Loughlin spent $500,000 in order for her daughters to be students at the University of South California. An entire portfolio was made for this young lady, Olivia Jade, and she was presented as an all-around ideal candidate. To add to this shocking discovery, an old video of Olivia Jade surfaced, where she talks about her expected life at college. She takes the whole college-experience so lightly, by saying her sole reason for going is simply the parties and sports games.
I can't even begin to tell you how this makes me feel. A young girl who grew up to believe you should earn what you have and work for the things you want. Growing up, life hasn't been a walk in the park. It's been more — it's been hard.
I worked hard to get to where I am today. And even then, I'm nowhere near where I intend to be. I get that some people have had it easy since the very beginning and I'm not bashing that. I understand everyone's circumstances are different. But even if that's the case, I don't think that's a reason to have everything handed to you. Work for it. Make your life worth it, be proud of the things you created for yourself.
If you even remotely think that bribing your pay to success is at all acceptable, shame on you.