I don’t know about you, but I tend to over complicate things. Surprisingly, this isn’t an effective coping strategy; it tends to make me more stressed and anxious. As a freshman in college, I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of clubs, activities, people, classes, and events I can do. These first few weeks of college have been a series of ups and downs. One day I am on the top of the world, the next I am questioning my life path and whether or not I’m actually accomplishing anything.
Maybe you don’t feel like you’re doing enough. Maybe you are drowning in work, or you’re going through a rough time. Maybe you’re lonely. Here’s my advice for you: pay attention to the small things.
Notice the leaves falling around you, smile at the person you walk by on your way to class. Tackle each assignment, one by one, and be fully present for your classes. Call your mom. Take time to journal. And above all, pay attention. Pay attention to the people who start coming into your life. Pay attention to the small blessings that happen every day. Pay attention to the things that make your heart sing. Show up and be present for what you do, even if it’s mundane.
Author Andy Andrews said, “When you know that everything matters—that every move counts as much as any other—you will begin living a life of permanent purpose.” Living a life of purpose means simply being present in each moment, and paying attention to it. To, as Mother Teresa said, “do small things with great love.”
We’re taught from an early age that we can be “anything” that we want to be. We are told to set our aspirations high and shoot for the stars.
I’m not discouraging setting goals or having aspirations. But I’m writing to remind you that you can only do what is in front of you right now. You cannot control tomorrow, you cannot change yesterday, but you can pay attention to what’s right now. Our aspirations will take care of themselves when we notice and give due to the small things.
Because I’m a list maker, here’s a list of ways to pay attention to the little things:
- Watch the sun set alone
- Go for a walk and make eye contact with the people you pass
- Commit to asking at least one question during every class
- Call a friend just to ask them about their life
- Journal for 15 minutes about your day