We finished up 1 Corinthians this week in my Bible study. While reading through the final chapter, I became really convicted. Our leader brought to attention the statement Paul makes saying "wherever I go". Paul didn't have a plan. He didn't have any idea what God had in store for him next. And the crazy part, he didn't seem to care!
Just think, what if we lived our lives like Paul, floating from place to place, following the voice of God. The amount of reckless abandonment Paul had is unbelievable. I'm not a super organized or planned person, but I can't even imagine living exactly like Paul.
But you know what? I don't think we all have to live like Paul. As great and awe-inspiring as it would be, I just don't think it's all that feasible in the world today. However, I do think we could still learn to live with a little more reckless abandonment in our relationship with the Lord. I think when it comes to God, we need to throw more caution to the wind. We should be more open and trusting in our relationship with Him.
Now, I'm not exactly sure what reckless abandonment looks like in your life. Maybe He just wants you to stop planning your entire future and just listen to what He has in store, even if it's just for that day. Maybe He wants you to join that new school club or take part in that group because someone there needs you. Maybe He is urging you to talk to that stranger you pass everyday, because they need to hear your story or just some kind words. Or you never know, maybe He does have something radical planned for your life that your ignoring by staying in your little bubble.
Whatever the case is, we can achieve it with reckless abandonment. Strive to be like Paul. Live your life this week with a little more reckless abandonment and you might just be surprised at what God has in store for you.
Thank Y'all,
A Gal just Simply Living