What Happens When You Put Two Die-Hard Paul McCartney Fans In The Same Room | The Odyssey Online
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What Happens When You Put Two Die-Hard Paul McCartney Fans In The Same Room

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."

What Happens When You Put Two Die-Hard Paul McCartney Fans In The Same Room

On July 25, I had the privilege to attend the Paul McCartney One on One Tour at the Hollywood Casino Amphitheater in Tinley Park, IL. I can confidently say it was by far one of the most incredible and memorable concerts I have ever been too. For starters, Paul is a legendary musician and of course, Beatle, who will continue to be loved and adored by millions forever. As a music student myself, I knew I was experiencing something special that night. I was even content with having the worst lawn seats possible. However, luck came my way and blessed my family and I with upgraded seats. Hearing song after hit song was one thing but seeing and hearing it up close was no comparison. Up a few rows (okay maybe more than a few; she was front row!!!) from us was our good friend and die hard Paul McCartney fan, Regi. Knowing that her experience had to be one of a kind, I knew I wanted to sit down and talk all things Paul with Regi soon. So, that is what we did the next day and it went a little something like this....

When did your love of Paul McCartney begin?

Before they were on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1964, all the girls in the neighborhood were talking about their records. Their was no cable, internet, or anything like that around then so everyone stayed home to watch the show. As soon as I saw Paul I just knew he was the one.

How many concerts of his have you been to?

I think last night was number 15.

Which one was your favorite?

I think last night's because I was able to see him really close up! But, Miller Park four years ago was a great show, great fireworks; almost 60,000 people in that stadium so it was a really dynamic experience.

Do you have a favorite song?

It all depends what day it is. Although I do like "And I Love Her" from "A Hard Day's Night" because that is what he was going to sing at our wedding!

Do you have any tips for finding the best seats?

I will not give those tips away! But I will say, if you are brave enough and smart enough to go places by yourself then you can usually find yourself single tickets for almost anything you want to go to for a great price.

What's the greatest experience you've had at a concert?

Well the sad story is, when the Beatle's played Comiskey Park in Chicago, I think in 1965, I was 11. The babysitter had a ticket for me and my mother wouldn't let me go. So, in those days they would sometimes broadcast those concerts on the radio and my memory is, well I'm not sure if it's true but this is how I say it happened... I remember they were broadcasting the concert and I was in my parents' living room hugging the stereo and sobbing "Paul, Paul!" because I didn't get to go see him. But, I would have to say being able to go see him the other night up so close and personal for best experience. As a musician myself, watching him play and perform at his age was extremely inspiring.

So why is Paul considered the very best to you?

Because he is the cute Beatle! But it's true, back in the day, you really did gravitate back to being either a John, Paul, Ringo or Gorge fan. So, you just gravitated towards one of them and Paul was mine.

Do you have any personal experiences with Paul?

YES WE DO! 2002, 7:43pm at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, he was there attending a dinner with Heather, who was then his fiancé. I got to meet him in the lobby. He was everything I expected him to be in a very short amount of time. Shook my hand, looked me right in the eyes, and I didn't faint. It was like a dream come true that I actually got to meet him.

Do you have a favorite album?

I really gravitate to the early stuff so "A Hard Day's Night" and "Help!" I was 14, and I directed a whole show based on the music from "Help!" It was a Christmas show that I did for Girl Scouts and they had instrumental music on the album. My friend Jan still remembers dancing as a candy cane to some of the "Help" instrumental music.

Do you have a favorite lyric that has always stuck out to you?

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." It's true and very profound.

I know you studied music so has that affected your appreciation for his music at all?

I think The Beatles were the inspiration for me loving music. Their music went from very simple, going through Sgt. Peppers, which is a really seminal album. They went orchestral, you really dive into the music theory of that album. It's really impressive that these four guys from a working class neighborhood in Liverpool were so incredibly talented without any musical training whatsoever. I definitely realized later in my singing career that I learned how to sing harmonies by listening to The Beatles, no doubt about it. They were not only inspirational musically, but for so many philosophically. It wasn't just about the music, it was about a whole new way of thinking. It was really about peace and love.

How would you describe Paul's personality?

He's witty, funny, kind. You can tell he is conscientious and really deeply believes in family. I think he's just really a good person. I also understand he was a boy scout when he was young. I was just reading something today about how Paul was a really good student and John Lennon said he kept Paul from being a doctor because Paul was on to bigger and better things. He's very intelligent and a lot of people don't know that he is also an amazing painter.

So, do we see the real Paul on stage?

I think so. Especially with that family he brought on stage last night, he was just having a great time. He knows that this is a really special experience for people and he treats them that way.

Do you know who Paul was inspired by?

Buddy Holly and the Crickets and Elvis. Also, his father. He was a jazz musician. He was a sales man but when he would come home in the evening, the family would gather around the piano and play and sing.

Those are all the questions I have, but do you have anything to add?

No but I would say that I am so impressed that the Generation Z still loves The Beatles because you all will just continue to keep the love going.

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