I am 99.999% sure that I am not the only one thinking this right now...and no I'm not just saying that because I am a Seahawks fan! I'm sure I am speaking for a lot of people when I say Tom Brady is a very self centered human being! I would rather do these 30 things than watch the Patriots win another Super Bowl.
1. Drink bleach
2. Cook dinner...I don't even cook!
3. Do laundry
4. Exercise
5. Clean the house
6. Car shopping
7. Be broke
8. Stab myself
9. Go to jail
10. Eat a ton of food
11. Stick my hand on a hot stove
12. Give birth
13. Get punched in the face
14. Watch paint dry
15. Break my leg
16. Read a book
17. Organize my closet
18. Make house made out of cards
19. Go to a museum
20. Write a love letter
21. Dance around my room all alone
22. Throw myself in a snowbank in shorts and a tank top
23. Contemplate my life choices
24. Learn a new language
25. Go to a library
26. Sit threw a 5 hour play!
27. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I would actually sit and stare at a wall!
28. Play Fortnite
29. Go back to high school
30. Get along with my brother...that's not easy to do