Patriotism Doesn't Belong To Conservatives | The Odyssey Online
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Patriotism Doesn't Belong To Conservatives

It belongs to anyone and everyone who is proud to be an American.

Patriotism Doesn't Belong To Conservatives

Over the course of the past few years, the United State’s has been split in half. The Democrats and Republicans drew a figurative line in the sand, and the message is the same on both sides: “Either you’re with us, or you’re with them.”

Like a married couple going through a divorce, the two parties have battled over custody. Not only over votes or states, but over ideologies and platforms. The Conservatives have claimed old white people, a section of the middle class that thinks that they’re owed something, and a platform with masked bigotry and loopholes for the wealthy. The Liberals have taken the millennials and all of their college debt, racial and social minorities and all the controversy that comes in their wake, and a severely bruised ego after this election (despite claiming the popular vote).

There are things that can’t be divvied up between the parties, though. Things like the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and the Flag. But that doesn’t stop some people from trying. Recently, I’ve noticed a lot of right-wingers have laid claim to the word, “patriot.” They not only identify themselves as patriots, but also get vehemently angry when someone from the left tries to use the word to describe democrats.

The problem here is that neither party can call dibs on being patriotic. Patriotism isn’t something that belongs to the Republicans or the Democrats. It belongs to anyone who feels it.

I’m very happy to have been born and raised in the United States. I know I’ve received a large amount of privilege and advantages in my life that I wouldn’t get if I were born elsewhere. I love the vast diversity this country offers, in thought, people, and environment. I love hamburgers and hotdogs, the Fourth of July, and watch football every season. I am patriotic, and I’m a Democrat. I know plenty of people on both sides of the aisle (or in between) that would also describe themselves as patriots.

I think the problem arises when people have different meanings of patriotism. Conservatives often view patriotism as a unwavering devotion to their country, no matter what. That means abiding by the law, tradition, and Constitution to no end. So, naturally, conserving the way things have always been in America make them feel patriotic.

Democrats, on the other hand, are known for their desire to change and amending the system we have. Republicans hear that Democrats may want gun control laws, and they’re assaulting this country and what it stands for. In my opinion, patriotism means being proud of this country and wanting it to be the best that it can be. If that means we have to make changes and adjust the way we do things as time goes on, so be it.

You can still be patriotic and discuss the flaws of this country. In fact, I think it makes you even more patriotic. If you’re actively working to make this country better for future generation, that shows a level of dedication that most certainly qualifies you to be considered a patriot. For example, you love and can be proud your family, while taking issue with things that they do. No one is really happy when Dad comes home really drunk, or when your sister uses all the hot water, or when your brother gets into a car accident because he was texting and driving. You can admit flaws and disfunction in your family while still loving and being proud of them. Your relationship with your country can and should be the same way.

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