To my past friends,
For a time, we were as close as two peas in a pod. We talked constantly over text or calls. You were there for me when other friends were being different, when I needed to vent and when boys were more complicated than statistics class. So, this is a thank you. Thank you for making me happy for the time being. I bet we didn't know one day our friendship would end. Even if we drifted apart, ended on bad terms or grew into different people, I am still thankful that I had you in my life. Also, thank you for leading me into the direction of the friends that I have now. I truly believe that God puts people in our lives for a reason. If we don't talk anymore, I hope that you are doing well and that you are happy where your life has taken you.
That leads me to the present friends,
First off, thank you for handling me. College, stressed out, busy, crazy, me. I don't know what I did to deserve friends like you. I am forever grateful for all the memories we have made and continue to make. Thank you for always being there for me through thick and think. Never being more than a phone call or text away. You're amazing. To the friends I have recently met, I hope you continue to stay in my life. You keep college me sane. Thank you for letting me know when I am overthinking or when I need to work my best. To all my present friends, a huge thank you. You make my heart happy.
To my future friends,
I am sure I don't know you yet, but I am excited to have new friends. Maybe we'll be future work friends, or meet somewhere I decide to go with my current friends. I hope you will like my present friends as well, because I sure hope they don't go anywhere. We will probably be friends while in the real world, so here is to us hoping that we can survive it together. Meet up for breakfast before we head to work and talk about about families and future husbands.
To all the friends I have had, have and will have, thank you. Where ever you go in life, know that you will always have a friend in me. I am never more than a phone call away.
Love your friend,
Maddy, Madds, M-Dawg, Cuppicake, Sweetycakes, Love Child, Amy Poehler