Dear Past Me,
Life is tough now, but if you wait it out, the light will shine through the dark tunnel. Things will not always go the way you expect. It is all about rolling with the punches and remembering that the hardship will not be all your life. Being in the place you are now is definitely not where you imagined yourself, but you cannot help what the long road has ahead for you. You have to accept the idea that you will not have control over your me and what happens in life. Do not let anxiety over take your life because it is not going to end well for you. It will be a constant fear of the unknown and living with that on a daily basis will be a struggle.
These mistakes you are making are shaping who you will become in the future. So do not regret anything you mess up, just learn from them and move on. It is the best that you could do for yourself. Also, do not be hard on yourself because you will only be more miserable and you will be unable to get out of that idea of “perfection." While you ponder the thought of “perfection,” just know that it is only what society has nailed in your head. You do not have to reach their unachievable standards to be loved by the people around you. Taking your anger out on yourself is not the healthiest nor safest thing to do because each time you wear shorts, you will sit and stare at your scars while your frustration builds up to the point you explode in tears. Learning to be happy with yourself will be an everyday lesson since even right now you are not happy with yourself, but, as oddly as it sounds, you love yourself.
As you grow older, you will figure yourself out and where you belong. You will win and lose some battles. It is the way you will learn how to better yourself. There is nothing wrong with who you are as a person. People will always find small details to tear you apart, but you know that you are better than what they say. Do not give into the temptations that will surround you in high school because you will abuse them. As much as you believe no one will find out and you do not need them to help you, you need them just as badly as you think. Denial is not fun and does take a lot of strength to accept what has happened.
Do not be ashamed of who you are in your skin. You are beautiful in every way. Yes, even with the scars you have, people still think you are one of a kind. Ignore the negative comments and remember that you are strong. You have been able to pick up the pieces by yourself with minimum supporters. Not only are you a survivor, you are an inspiration to many others.
Your Future Self