I'm Brandy and I'm almost 21 years old. Almost 16 years ago my whole life was turned upside down and changed.
Almost 16 years ago I lost a sibling and was removed from the care of my biological parents. Almost 16 years ago I was placed in the full-time care of my Nana and Papa. But none of that defines me!
When I started school at 5 I was behind, I couldn't color inside the lines, I didn't know all my letters, numbers, or colors, and I couldn't write my name. It took lots of work from everyone around me for years to get me caught up. But that doesn't define me. Look at me now, I'm almost 21 years old, I'm a third-year college student, I have a job, and I'm involved on campus.
Just before I turned 7 I was legally adopted by my Nana and Papa but that doesn't define me.
Sure at 5, I might have been behind my classmates in most things but at 5 I had been through so much.
My past doesn't define me because I won't let it. My past has nothing to do with my future. My past doesn't make me hard to love and it doesn't make me too emotional for the social work field.
What I'm getting at is that it doesn't matter what you've been through in your life if you don't want something to define you it doesn't have to define you.
You have the power just like I do to acknowledge your past and to make a different future for yourself. It might be important to know where you have come from but that doesn't have to be where you are going.
I'm grateful for the people who put so much time and effort into me because without them my past might be what defines me. Because so many people cared about me I was able to say yes this happened to me no it doesn't define me anymore and never again will.
When someone asks you to tell them something about yourself if you don't want to let your past define you tell them something that you are interested in or what you want to be doing with your life in 10 years.
My past doesn't define me and yours doesn't have to either.
It is never too late to ask for the help that you need or want.
You can do something different with your future.