One day left of Passover! No need to frown! These Kosher for Passover foods got me flipped turned-upside-down. Find these Passover treats in your local grocery store and clean out their Kosher for Passover aisle some more. Go through Passover in style, be robust with the foods that bring joy to even the longest exodus.
1. Matza Brei
2. Cotton candy
3. Fruit slices
The candy kind.
4. Variations of chicken
Esp. baked chicken ft garlic
5. Grape juice
It's pretty grape #bringontheManischewitz
6. Matza lasagna
7. Matza pizza
8. Chocolate matza![]()
9. White chocolate matza
Chocolate matza’s cousin which actually includes no chocolate and only confectionary sugar and Matza.
10. Chocolate bars![]()
All types work. The mixed chocolate and white chocolate ones are exciting x2!
11. Cold cuts
The classic, Jewish go-to food.
12. Tam Tams
The real MVP when you're tired of eating your Matza in sheet form. 6 corners > 4 corners
13. Kosher for Passover ice cream
14. Those cake/brownie mixes
Marble cake and more, I hear these are especially edible! (I haven't had any because of a delightful potato allergy and these things have potato starch in them; they should come with a warning.)
15. Macaroons![]()
If you're lucky enough to not have a nut allergy.
16. Chicken soup with matza balls