Passions take a plethora of forms, whether it be sports, music, volunteering, performing, reading or writing. Passions make an individual have so much depth, no matter the activity or concept. Passions make all the difference in demeanor for some people. It makes them want to leave their beds in the morning to continue dedicating time to their passion.
The best thing about having a passion is that you don't have to have any particular expertise in the area. But if it makes you happy, the passion is self defining and you do it for yourself. Individualism is important in this regard because it makes you be your personal best and not objectively the best. Even if the passion is small and many may consider it silly, becoming excited and wanting to learn and perfect the skill is one of the most valuable traits we have as human beings.
Talking to a person with a large amount of passion can be one of the most thrilling conversations you will ever have in your life. Many of my friends are political science majors or psychology majors and the passion that oozes out of them whenever we chat is so infectious. It also makes me want to be as invested in something as much as they are. Many of their passions include coaching and taking steps toward changing the world.
Passions, no matter what they may be, can never be silly. Even the smallest hobby can bring about such enthusiasm and care that shapes the way you look at the world. A small joy is not small if you care about it so much that everything else seems almost plain in comparison.
Think about any joy in your life and you may find some priority attached to it that shapes your core values and defines your happiness. Whether you are objectively good at it or not, this way of thinking already makes you a hundred percent more enjoyable to talk to.