1. "Find life experiences and swallow them whole. Travel. Meet many people. Go down some dead ends and explore dark alleys. Try everything. Exhaust yourself in the glorious pursuit of life." - Lawrence K. Fish
I get stir-crazy. Not from being stuck looking at the same four walls, but for the feeling of being truly alive. The mere thought of all the places there are to see, people to meet and ideas to encounter can overwhelm me with the sheer wonder of existence. The beauty of life is that we will never exhaust the possibilities, never run out of beauty to experience, never scrape the bottom of newness and never ever ever feel all of the joy and love and awe that there is to be felt. Life's one purpose is to engage: with others, with nature, with spirituality and with ourselves. What a joy it is to live in a world so big that we will never be finished; to always, despite hardship and loss, have purpose and possibility around every corner.
2. “I began to realize how important it was to be an enthusiast in life... if you are interested in something, no matter what it is, go at it at full speed ahead. Embrace it with both arms, hug it, love it and above all become passionate about it. Lukewarm is no good. Hot is no good either. White hot and passionate is the only thing to be.” - Roald Dahl
The marvelous, confusing and incredible thing about being alive is that we are constantly being created. On the other side of every experience is a new window into who we are, so what a shame it would be if we stayed the same. To experience everything to its fullest is to be truly alive. We cannot be apathetic, but rather we must dive headfirst into all we do and get the most out of every moment. Spend quality time with others. If you have to do something, do your best. Let yourself feel everything. Pursue your interests and strengths. And at the end of the day, process; you will change and grow and fall in love with the life that lives inside you.
3. "I need to learn every day." - Judi Dench
Curiosity is at the core of adventurousness and passion. We ache to explore because our hearts long to understand. We are driven by passion because there is more to know and experience about the things we love. We are changed by it all because of what we learn. Life calls us to engage because we are meant to be united by learning. Curiosity draws us into far-off places, it pulls us deeper into the familiar, it brings questions into the mundane and new conversation out of the stagnant. There we find the peace and love and wonder and joy and awe that our souls desire. Everything changes, everything is made new. To be let in on even a sliver of the radiant light of all that we do not understand - there is nothing more wonderful. If life's purpose is to engage, then learning is evidence that we have done so.
4. "I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see." - John Burroughs
I hope that you will feel restless to live, that at the end of the day you are on the edge of your seat, joyously desperate to see what comes next. I hope that you feel each new emotion to the fullest, so that when you are feeling as much pain or sorrow as a person can feel you will know that joy is waiting for you tomorrow. I hope that you live with so much reckless, curious humanity that you cannot help but to form relationships, follow your passions and make a difference. But most of all, I hope that you will never lose all of the hopes you hold deep within your soul; go now, and seek them out. I promise there is more out there than you can even hope for.