There is this crazy event that takes place the first weekend of every year near Atlanta, GA called Passion Conference. Passion Conference is a two-day spectacular for the name of Jesus, largely populated by high school and college kids.. There are six sessions of top musicians and bands, as well as speakers who are extraordinary vessels for the Holy Spirit. There are community groups to debrief sessions and engage with two to five thousand of your closest friends as well as family groups because you want new friends and deeper processing of John Piper speaking over your head. If you go into Passion knowing no one or just one or two people, you are somewhat guaranteed to walk out with a minimum of seven more friends who truly care about your well-being. Everyone there has one HUGE thing in common: their love for Jesus. There are not many things more life-changing than this conference.
My family group
It is primarily hosted by Louie Giglio, the lead pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta. His heart has always been for 18 to 25-year-olds, so that is all who is allowed to attend the conference. The conference staff fully believes in our generation and that we are the revival the world so desperately needs, not anything that we will do in the future when we grow up, but NOW. People are broken, lost, in the dark, and hurting gravely. We have to step out in faith in the name of Jesus and be that light in the dark, and comfort to the hurting. But there is also something for everyone, even people who are in a season of searching. There are speakers such as John Piper and Ravi Zacharias that go deep and blow minds with serious history and Bible knowledge. An interview with Levi Lusko went into tribulations and the trials that the Bible says will come in our life. Christine Caine brought down the house when she said, “When God gives you something, don’t talk about it, blog about it,[etc], step on it and get to work!.” Louie Giglio opened and closed the conference with HE. IS. RISEN. and “God’s grace is bigger than regret.”
Something that all conference attendants can now relate to is freedom. Freedom from regret. Freedom from stress. Freedom from self-doubt. Freedom from depression. Freedom from anxiety, an eating disorder, peer pressure, cultural pressure, emptiness, cutting, fear, drugs, alcohol, sinful desires, darkness, bondage. Freedom from (insert adjective here). We just want freedom. Christine Caine said that freedom is a blood type. Freedom is deep in your veins. It is part of who you are and who you will be. But seriously, what blood type is freedom? It’s the blood of Jesus! The blood that poured out of his body as he hung dying on the cross so that you could be free. Free from the dark and everything in it. When Jesus is your best friend and the one you live for, freedom is a part of how you live. It’s true that you need nothing but Jesus to be joyful and free. Life is not painless or easy but in Christ it is meaningful. When you do the assignment he has sent you to do, keep your eyes on him, there is freedom in everything from school to death. What your friends think does not matter, fear is a thing of the past, and you live life in the sunshine!
I learned so much, had life changing experiences, and was filled with faith, hope, love, and a heap of desire for Jesus. There is no way that anyone could say enough about conference. It's nothing like anything else you may experience. Whether you don’t believe, don’t care to believe, searching or questioning, young in faith, or firmly rooted, this is for you. It will permanently change you!
You can learn more and get tickets already for next year here.source:268generation