'Passengers' Trailer: Jennifer Lawrence And Chris Pratt Trapped In Space! | The Odyssey Online
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'Passengers' Trailer: Jennifer Lawrence And Chris Pratt Trapped In Space!

Are we cool with a Katniss and Star-Lord sci-fi romance?

'Passengers' Trailer: Jennifer Lawrence And Chris Pratt Trapped In Space!

The trailer for the new "Passengers" movie, starring Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt, has finally arrived. The film is essentially about a spacecraft, containing thousands of people in hibernation chambers, traveling away from earth to a new colony planet. But something malfunctions, and two passengers, Jim Preston (Chris Pratt) and Aurora Dunn (Jennifer Lawrence), wake up 90 years earlier than they were supposed to. Based on what was seen in the trailer, the two of them will have to work together in order to survive, and perhaps form a romantic bond along the way. Does a J Law and Chris Pratt Sci-Fi-Romance-Drama sound good to you?

Casting and Chemistry

Jennifer and Chris

Jennifer Lawrence is best known for her role as Katniss Everdeen in “The Hunger Games”, but outside of that, she is also known for her down-to-earth personality. The Oscar winning actress has fallen down not once, but twice on live television. Instead of acting like nothing happened, she made fun of herself. J Law has been seen photobombing other celebrities like Taylor Swift and hanging out with the hilarious Amy Schumer. She’s the kind of girl who doesn’t take anything too seriously, and her fans love her for it.

Chris Pratt is best known for his two most recent roles as Peter Quill or Star-Lord in Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy,” and as Owen in “Jurassic World”. In both films, Pratt is a comical character, but has his serious moments. He is married to Anna Faris, another actor who keeps the audience laughing out loud. When he’s not busy being a movie star, he’s doing fatherly things like ‘attempting’ to make a Donald Duck shaped pancake for his son, Jake, and posting the video on Instagram. Although it ended up looking nothing like the Disney character, it’s the thought that counts.

Lawrence and Pratt have one of the most important ingredients needed for great chemistry between co-stars. A sense of humor is key to getting along on and off screen. Making a movie is not as easy as it looks. It takes a lot of time and collective effort to get things done. It helps to laugh sometime, taking a break from stressing out, and Jennifer and Chris will keep the laughs coming, no doubt about it. Both actors have proven to us that they can turn off their comedy button and become serious when it’s needed, so perhaps casting these two together will work out quite well.

What Makes a Good Movie?

A Great Director and A Great Screenplay.

Morten Tyldum’s got us covered. Tyldum has directed films such as “The Imitation Game” starring Benedict Cumberbatch and “Head Hunters” starring Aksel Hennie. With one Academy Award nomination under his belt, Tyldum is sure to add his Oscar worthy directing style to the film. After all, how hard could it be to direct two amazing and experienced actors?

The movie’s screenwriter, Jon Spaihts, will also add his own dash of magic to the film. Spaihts has written the screenplay for “Prometheus”, starring Michael Fassbender. He has also done both the screenplay and story for “The Darkest Hour”, as well as the story for Marvel’s upcoming “Doctor Strange” movie. With movies like this on his resume, there’s no question that ‘Passengers’ will have a solid story.

Will "Passengers" pass the test?

Haters will say it's gonna to flop.

The trailer is already receiving negative feedback just based on the casting of Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt alone. The releasing of the trailer was meant with some pretty harsh tweets such as:

"A movie co-starring Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt? I suppose somebody in Hollywood thinks this will make money." – @NerdyRScoundrel on Twitter
“wow what are the odds the two to wake up early are both late 20’s early 30’s very good looking heterosexual humans?” - @baughwoman on Twitter

So what if J Law and Chris have flawless good looks? The focus should be on their abilities as actors and not their appearance. Sure Hollywood takes looks into consideration during the casting process, but what’s really important is that they fit the role and bring characters to life. Not all good movies make tons of money. There are some great films that aren’t a smash at the box office for one reason or another. This movie appears to have the makings of an awesome one, and we should have faith that it’ll turn out to be all that and more.

The real judging will occur when the movies hit theaters, so mark your calendars everyone! ‘Passengers’ is coming to the big screen, December 25th, 2016, Christmas day.

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