I’ve never been the kind of girl that stays home on a Friday or Saturday night. I’ve lived in city after city, staying up at random times of the evening hopping from event to event. I like the fast-paced life, and I don’t regret doing it one bit. Coming into college was a little different because I went from a HUGE city that never slept to a place that was exciting every single night with college students making up a new reason to drink each night.
I will admit that my freshman year I partied it up every single night of the week, and the older I get the more I limit it to a Friday or Saturday but I still have no regrets! It has shown me the kind of friends that I want to surround myself with because they have no care in the world and go with the flow of things.
Don’t get me wrong most of the people I go out with maintain a 3.5 GPA and are the smartest people I know, but because of that, they know how to have fun and balance out their lives. That is why I have so much fun. I’m learning how to balance out my life in a way that I wouldn’t be able to do with sitting in my room binging Netflix shows every evening.
I’m getting all my wild side out now during these four years of college instead of out in the real world when I’m using my own money to spend on drinks, and when I can spend $5-$10 at the bar and get hammered because who doesn’t love $1 Shot/Drink night out at your local college bar?
I party in college, and I don’t regret a single minute of it.
To those who disagree with the people that party in college, good for you, we enjoy what we do and we don't judge you for staying at home while we're doing our own thing. So we please ask that you don't judge us for finding ourselves our own way.
News Flash: college students party.
I’ve learned how to be super social, learn my limits, and how to have serious conversations under extreme measures, like holding my friends back from fighting their ex-boyfriends.
I have learned so much from crisis management to learning who I am, and where I stand in this world.
I love to have fun, I love to be social, and I enjoy surrounding myself with those kinds of people, and those are the people I find at the bar, and house parties! I find everyone who I mesh with and I don’t regret a single second of it.
I party in college, and I don’t regret it.
We know when its time to chill at the house with our crew, or when it’s time to go out to the bar and show them what we're made of. We know how to laugh at stupid things, and to be super carefree in the world. This is all because we’ve done some very stupid things in public and had to learn how to own our mistakes and know that we don’t care what anyone else thinks. It has given me a new found look on my life.