Purse Essentials | The Odyssey Online
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8 Things You Can't Forget To Bring In Your Purse Before A Wild Night Out

Your night will be so much better with these things in your purse.

8 Things You Can't Forget To Bring In Your Purse Before A Wild Night Out

Do you think you are prepared to take on the night with your buddies? Somehow you forgot the cash you need to go to the clubs and bars, meaning you have to find a house with lights and music. Meanwhile, you landed at XYZ frat and you stumble upon a cute boy you wanna kiss -- but you have not brushed your teeth. The night goes on and on but I bet you it was a disaster.

Here are 6 things to pack for a great night out.

1. Get the phone


There is a reason you need the phone: calling for rides, Snapchatting your night, taking cute pics of your outfit , and finding your friends

2. I mint that

Trying to kiss a cute boy? Trying to talk to super cool people but something smells funky? Bring some mints

3. Chapstick mends cracks


In that same kissing that boy category, did your man feel them crusty lips? Sis, there is a reason that chapstick is almost at every store. Get you one.

4. Hands up, cash out


Going out is cool and all but not only you need money for the clubs and bars; you need money for the late night grubs and uber rides. Cash over cards, but use the cards if it is your last option.

5. Wrap it up before you tap it


If you're into a bedroom session after the night's festivities, please for everyone's safety bring protection: condoms, birth control pills, lube packets, all of that. They are free all over campus after all.

6. Tissue


Not too many places give a hoot about providing tissue paper. Have your Kleenex ready, sis

7. And on that note sanitize


And with the item above, don't assume there is soap and water at these functions. Keep your friends and that frat house from smelling like piss.

8. Bonus: Phone wallet

Ah, the gadget that changed the entire game. Stick them on the phones, and even on the insides of your boots. Stuff your ID, health insurance card, cash, tickets/wristbands (if necessary) and you are on the go!

You don't need much when you go out. Just gather all of these eight things and you are good to go for having your best life out. Say it with me: no more embarrassments.

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