Recently I have noticed more and more celebrities getting involved in politics, whether it be encouraging you to go and vote, advocating for a certain party/candidate and honestly I think it is a great thing. They are using the voices and the platform that they were given by the people- because let's be real here for a second, they wouldn't be famous without us- to get their opinions out there. Why should they have to keep quiet all throughout the elections when you and I can post whenever we want to about it?
Is it because they can shape the minds and influence the minds of young voters? Is it because you do not agree with their political views? Well, I hate to break it to you, I think you should be a little more worried about what those horrible commercials are doing to the young voter's minds rather than who is supporting which candidate(s). Celebrities are no different than you and me, well except a couple commas in their bank accounts, and they are a part of what is going on in politics and whether you believe it or not, it does affect them too.
If your child can be influenced to choose a party just because their favorite comedian, pop star, movie star, etc. support a certain candidate, you haven't instilled proper values and beliefs in your child. Just because one person supports a party doesn't mean I am going to jump ship. Take the recent 'rally' at Morehouse College here in Atlanta, yes it very much was for Stacey Abrams, and yes President Barack Obama did come to support her, but if you looked in that room, people from both parties were there. The people who supported other parties didn't just decide to change their vote because he spoke on her behalf.
Not wanting celebrities to speak their minds is like telling you that you can't post on social media. I will say that it is your right to have that opinion but saying that a group of people should limit their freedom of speech sounds a little crazy to me. Limiting what one is allowed to talk about in public as they choose is extreme, especially when it comes to politics. This is something that is going to affect all of us, so all of us should be in on the debate. That's all there is to it.
If you don't like what they have to say or what they stand for, don't support them in their careers just like you would a politician or a company. Change the channel when they come on, don't listen to their music, but don't think that you have the right to take away their right.