Everyone has heard of the movement, yet not many know where it comes from. Let’s start from the beginning.
No Shave November was created as a campaign in 2009 by a family in Chicago after their father died from colon cancer. No Shave November’s purpose is actually to raise awareness for various cancers such as prostate cancer, colon cancer, etc. Movember is a similar movement but it is the growing of mustaches to raise awareness about men’s health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s suicide.
If you are participating, the point is to donate the money that you would typically spend on shaving materials and hair maintenance to cancer research, prevention and awareness.
So basically, just grow your beard, pits, legs, and/or pubic hair to grow awareness.
There are perks to this! For one, you are supporting cancer awareness and you might even be donating money to cancer research and/or awareness and prevention. Secondly, going all natural can be healthy for you. Having a beard can protect the face and neck from the sun, keep you warm, prevent blemishes, and it acts as a toxin filter to keep things like pollen and dust from entering your mouth.
Perks of keeping your pit hair include no more razor burn, reduce chafing, pulls the sweat away and moves bacteria away from the skin, and interestingly enough your armpits have glands that secrete pheromones. Benefits of not shaving your legs include no more small cuts, razor burn, skin irritation, dry skin, and lastly to stay warm during the coming winter weather for some. As for pubic hair, there are many benefits to keeping this as well, as it acts as a barrier to protect that area from your clothing, bacteria and viruses, and can keep things clean, as well as controlling moisture that can decrease your chances of yeast infections and irritated skin. All in all, hair keeps your body balanced. Hair is great for you and mama nature put it there for a reason. Also, an overall benefit for all of these is you can avoid ingrown hairs, which might be worst than anything else mentioned.
Here are 10 interesting hair facts to get you pumped this No Shave November or Movember.
1. Beard hair is technically pubic hair. So ‘pube face’ is an accurate description.
2. Body hair only lasts up to six months, that is how it stays so short.
3. Body hair has muscles and that is what causes it to stick up straight.
4. People shed up to 150 hairs a day.
5. Contrary to popular belief, your hair doesn’t grow thicker after you shave.
6. Beards grow faster in the daytime than in the night.
7. An average man could grow a beard up to 27.5 feet if he stopped shaving forever.
8. If you’re a guy who shaves regularly, it is estimated you could spend up to 3,350 hours in the bathroom.
9. If you’re a girl who waxes, it is estimated you could spend up to $23,000 over a lifetime on this. Women who choose to shave spend an estimated $10,000.
10. There’s such thing as a pubic hair wig. It’s called a merkin. Look it up.
Bonus: The longest pubic hair ever recorded was 28 inches long. Talk about a no shave lifelong commitment. Goals.
Happy No Shave November/Movember. Grow that hair, raise awareness, and donate!