Thoughts we have while parking in college | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

The Grueling Search For Parking On Campus

It's hands down the most stressful part of every student's day.

The Grueling Search For Parking On Campus

As a third-year college student whose life has been turned upside down and inside out more than a couple times during each semester, I have come to the conclusion that I would rather be slouched in the library writing research papers, than spend one more minute in the parking garages looking for a spot. I realize even though I "say" I am not going to waste my gas, and my mental health, on driving around looking for a spot that half the time doesn't exist, that is exactly what I end up doing. If you're anything like me, here are some thoughts we all share amidst our parking garage struggles.

1. *Prays to a higher power before driving into a parking garage.*

I don't know about you, but I am a firm believer that if I pray to God hard enough, he will bless me with a parking spot upon the first ten minutes of me driving around.

2. "Gotta make sure to lower that volume so I can see open spots better."

As soon as I enter that parking garage, my hand reaches for the volume button-gotta turn that EDM down so all of my attention is focused on searching for open parking spots, and or people I can awkwardly drive behind in order to take their spot.


As stressful as trying to find parking in an overflowing garage is, we should not be adding to this misery by not using our blinkers. I cannot tell you the number of times I have been cut off, or mislead by other drivers...just be nice and let us know where you're planning on turning, I promise it will make all of our lives easier-or at least more civil.

4. "How am I THIS unlucky??"

As I drive up and down every parking garage on campus and spend about forty minutes of my life internally screaming, I cannot help but notice that every other car that has been driving around with me has somehow already parked. ExCuSe Me??? Am I completely blind that I just cannot see these magical spots, or does the universe have a vendetta against stressed out college kids? I need answers.

5. "Alright F***k it, I'm late for class anyway."

I guess I can always take the bus, or walk, but in doing so I would be missing out on an important aspect of college life; so I guess I'll continue leaving my house two hours early to find parking.

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