When I'm on vacation, there is always a moment when I wonder what it would be like if I never left this beautiful place. As I make comparisons between where I live and where I am visiting, I realize I want to take the best parts of my experience and incorporate them into my life back home.
If you've ever been to Paris, you know it is a particularly difficult place to leave. The architecture, the smell of fresh baguettes, the flower shops on every corner, and all that art! I met a girl at a cafe who came to visit six months ago and decided to stay! While I cannot do that at this time in my life (as tempting as that may be), there are bits of Parisian life that we all could try to integrate into our lives away from La Ville des Lumières. Ooh là là!
1. Have flowers everywhere.
2. Go to museums often and appreciate art.
3. Walk everywhere. 
Paris is a very condensed city, so it is easy to get almost anywhere on foot! To act like a Parisian, try to walk everywhere (especially in the rain). Stroll through parks, go the long way and take the stairs. Or, if you're feeling tired... bike!
4. Go to outdoor food markets.
5. Eat dinner after 9 PM.
6. Wear scarves and always carry an umbrella.
Paris weather is extremely temperamental. It can be 75 degrees and sunny one minute and 60 degrees and raining the next, but with an umbrella and a scarf you can take on anything! Always be prepared for whatever Mother Earth might throw at you, while looking chic (and staying warm) in your scarf.
7. End every meal with a cappuccino (with whole milk) and don't take it to go. 
There is something to be said for not being in a rush that the people in Paris have completely figured out. While America is known for fast food and "Running on Dunkin," there is nothing like good coffee in a ceramic cup. If you are really in a rush, down an espresso with a pack of real sugar (no Splenda, please).There is an appreciation for life in Paris that easily escapes us in the hustle of our chaotic everyday lives. However, there are countless ways to remind ourselves to slow down and soak up the beauty of the world around us, even beyond those offered above. Buy old books from vendors and dream about their previous owners. Eat macaroons and savor every bite and their rich flavor. By taking these little tips from Parisian life and making them our own, we can have our own joie de vivre whenever we want.
All Photographs by Rachel Underweiser