Parents. While they aren't necessarily responsible for your birth, these people are your mentors, guardians, and the older humans who were in charge of you during your youth.
So, essentially, they're the individuals to blame for your personality now.
Seriously, though, parents do the most, and it's honestly amazing. The further I progress in college and this great dance of life, the more I'm realizing that my parents are two of the greatest humans in the history of ever for countless reasons.
Quite often, however, we all get caught up in said life dance and forget to thank these beautiful people who fostered and created us. I'm here to give you five reasons why it's never too late and never too often.
1. You relate to them now more than ever.
Adulthood. You're in it, whether you like it or not. It's a weird, scary, slimy concept, and we're all confused and tired.
One of the coolest aspects of being an adult, though, is realizing that your parental units are also, somehow, adults. Stressed about bills? They've lived it. Too many class assignments, not enough time to do it? They've experienced it. Hungry and crying at 2 a.m.? They've been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt.
Appreciate their hustle as much, if not more, than you do your own.
2. They're always more adult-y adults than you.
Even though you're a (semi)functioning adult, parents will constantly have the upper hand. I'm 100 percent convinced my mom knows everything simply because she's a mom.
Whenever my life gets to be a little too much to bear, all I want to do is talk to my parents to get some adultier adult perspective on the situation. Whether it's something wrong with my car or advice on my very many jobs, they listen to my hysterics, help me talk through it, and leave me feeling calmer and more in control of my various problems.
Think about it: not very many people would answer the phone at 3 a.m. to you sobbing that your car ran out of gas on the highway. Fewer people would stay on the phone and help you through it. Your 'rents deserve props.
3. You were the WORST when you were younger.
I bet you were adorable as a little baby human. Everyone thought you were the bees' knees, and you had a smile that could melt hearts.
I also bet that there were times you sucked. At the very least you never let your parents go to the bathroom when you were a toddler. At the very worst, you told them that they were going to someday be all alone while also not letting them go to the bathroom alone as a toddler (not that I'm speaking from experience).
Kids are awful, teenagers are in control worse, and yet, you're still alive. Thank your parents for not killing you during one of your very many "It's not a phase, it's my life!" periods.
4. Food. Legit food.
As you may have heard, I'm obsessed with food. I come by it honestly, as the general concept of food is an essential culture in my family. Making food, offering food to others, and obviously ingesting food are all activities we take seriously.
This means that any time I see my parents, we eat food. I could be popping home real quick to pick up a textbook I forgot, and my parents would still find some way to give me food or eat food with me (not that I'm complaining in the slightest).
If your parents feed you even half as much as mine do, you should be praising the ground they walk.
5. Who else would go to the ends of the earth for you?
The answer is very few people. Appreciate your parents for being among the few.
Thank you, mom and dad, for being literally the best humans in the history of ever. You're fantastic role-models and parents. I love you two to the moon and back!