I'm lucky to have you guys in my life.
It's true: I've known you both for all of my life, and that's something for which I'm forever grateful.
There's a lot that your parents do for you that they never need to do. They teach you life lessons that you don't know you have instilled in you from such a young age. They are there for you when you take your first step, learn your first word, and eventually see you graduate, go to college, and maybe even see you get married with children.
I learned to always see the best in things, that being kind and giving to people when you can is always great and that each day is a great day, if you make it that way. I've learned to make scrambled eggs, and how to not break a yolk in a sunny-side up one. I've learned that throwing spaghetti at the wall can help figure out if it's al dente, and how to make the perfect chicken cutlet.
Those are little things, but they really mean a lot.
Sometimes people don't get those lovely things to experience with their parents. My mother didn't with my grandfather dying at such a young age, but she learned to provide and give back to my sisters and me through the struggles she went through. Both of my parents have worked hard to get where they are and to give back as much as they could. My mom has a heart of gold, and my father has a work ethic I only dream to have one day.
They say you are a big reflection of who your parents are, and I only hope that I can keep the legacy and wonder going that they have given my sisters and I. My mom and dad have been my biggest supports when it came to sports, my mom always cheering me in even if she didn't know the rules, my dad always by my end of a field or court holding a water bottle by his side. They would be there in their work attire knowing that they just sped to see my sisters and I play. Both are the loudest clappers at concerts, giving the awkward wave to us from the auditorium seat below the stage and the biggest cheerleaders at graduation. If you were at my high school graduation, you could see my mom bouncing up and down from the seats outside while my dad, clad in Board of Education attire, proudly hugged me on stage. At my sister's graduation they proudly clapped and stood while I tried to get the perfect college graduation photo.
If being older and an adult means being like my parents in some way, I guess that's a pretty cool thing. They are there like no others, are the most selfless people I've ever met, and have done so much for not only my sisters and I, but my friends too. They treat my friends like family and love to help. My mom pretty much loves knowing the 'gossip' that my friends have.
So, thank you guys. Thanks for being you, and for being the best parents ever. Even if I forget to do the dishes sometimes, or if I forget the lint in the dryer, you guys are always there for me. You guys are there when I'm sad, when I cry and give us all of the love that you can. Even if my sisters and I mess up, you still back us up 100000%; the limit of love doesn't exist.
Maybe you guys like embarrassing me with your weird dance moves, telling everyone about my embarrassing stories as a baby, trying to be 'cool' and 'hip' to the times, and watching Modern Family every night. But, I wouldn't have loved Law and Order SVU, the ability to try and win you both over to get us a puppy, dancing crazily in the house, or being weird with anyone else. You guys are pretty neat and I wouldn't change that for the world.
Thank you guys.
Love you all forever,
Your Daughter