Parents in todays technology is true entertainment. Our generation has grown up with technology and figuring out how it works. As kids we were the starting generating of kids toys that were electronic. Our parents on the other hand have been raised old phone, no computers. Watching them today can be sight to see. Most parents do certain action so you know that they are technically challenged.
5. Using Siri to text.
Parents do this quite often to text. If your mom is anything life mine, she will hit the microphone but and yell "WHERE ARE YOU", as if Siri didn't hear her...
4.Trying to zoom in on Instagram.
You may be showing one of your parents a picture of an old friend or some cool food you found and they try to zoom. Everyone knows you can't zoom on Instagram. Or even worse they like the picture...Should send help.
3. Holding the phone up close and having to readjust it because they can't see.
Most parents do this more times then not. You see them grab the phone with 2 hands and squint at the picture then bring it out in front of them again to readjust the picture... Personal Favorite.
2. When one family member gets a new phone and the parents assume they know as much a the manual.
Parents come in to your room with a question about an email...Okay not a problem. Then it becomes two and three and before you know it they are asking you why Apple is an apple. Just keep it simple for them.
1. "Accidentally" hanging up on you.
The red button is there for a reason...
So If you can agree that your parents do any of the actions of above, just know you aren't alone. Most parents will still keep coming to you to ask questions just be patience and slow with them. We are the masters and they re the grasshoppers.