My Parents Make Me Believe That True Love Is Real | The Odyssey Online
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My Parents Make Me Believe That True Love Is Real

Even though my dating life has not been amazing doesn't mean love is not real

My Parents Make Me Believe That True Love Is Real

Love is not the easiest subject to talk about for many people because it usually ends in one or two ways. The first way is that it does not end and the two people end up spending their life together in a life-long relationship. Or the second way is that the relationship ends. Regardless between love and relationships things can get messy but the experiences stick with you forever.

For myself, I grew up in a household that had two very prominent parents who were both incredibly consistent in my life. My mom has always been so strong, she taught me to never let anyone or anything stand in the way of my dreams. She also taught me that as a woman it was vital to know my worth because if I do not treat myself with respect than nobody else will.

For my dad, he has always been a family man. He taught me to have patience with the things that I could not control because life does not go accordingly to plan. My dad also showed me what it is like to make sacrifices for the people you love. He genuinely has worked so hard for my sister and me to get anything and everything we have ever wanted. He has never complained about work or anything.

Between both of my parents, each of them has given one hundred percent as parents, friends, and mentors. For their relationship as of this year, they have been together for thirty-five years. Like every marriage, it obviously was not easy at times with both of them working and having both of their children in numerous sports. Regardless they managed to keep their relationship strong and our family together.

I think a large factor is that they had trust, I have seen so many of other peoples relationships go so incredibly downhill due to trust. Even in my own life, it was so easy for me to trust boyfriends because I saw it every day from my parents. But for other people trust is not something that is incredibly easy to come by due to the misfortunes they have suffered through their parents or their own issues.

My parents starting dating when they were juniors in high school but they had been going to high school together the two years prior. They have been together ever since, through every life event they grew up together. They survived going to separate colleges in two different states. Through all of the details of their lives together they have always made it through.

I think this day in age that is something that is so incredibly rare, it is almost unheard of. In my experience, people give up when things get hard or too stressful. In the end game, anyone who you want to be with will never be "too much" for you. Genuinely my parents are living proof of this statement.

I am proud of my parents and the successes they have had in their marriage. I also pray, that one day I have a man that wants to be consistent enough in my life and builds me up. I thank my parents for showing me what true love is like and helping me have such a positive outlook on marriage. I also thank all of the past boys who were in my life for showing me their true colors, and proving to me that I deserve more.

True love is real, I know that thanks to my parents. To whoever you are out there that will hopefully be my future husband, I hope you are taking care of yourself because you have big shoes to fill.

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