Let's face it. The age we live in is a scary time to be a teenager. There are more drugs than you can count, reckless teenagers texting and driving or, worst of all, drinking and driving and so much hate and violence in the world. It must also be terrifying to be a parent to a teenager in the world we live in today. It is hard for a parent to protect their teen at all times, but it is important that parents are aware of what the teen is doing in their life, and also that the parent teaches the teen the difference between right and wrong.
My parents have never been the type to just let me go off and do whatever I like. They have also never been the type to shelter me from the evils of the world. I'm so fortunate that they are this way. I've never been allowed to go out to parties and participate in under age drinking, and I've also been told by my parents how things in a situation like this can go wrong. I know that each parent teaches and "parents" their child differently, but in my understanding I believe the parenting styles of my mother and father was the most beneficial for me, and could be for other teens. Because I have been taught that I can't just go out and act recklessly, and because my parents have told me that drug use and underage drinking are wrong, I have never done this. I am an 18-year-old girl that has never dabbled in drugs and has never tasted alcohol. This is hard to come by now.
Countless times I have seen wonderful children fall victim to a life of drug and alcohol abuse. I have witnessed innocent teenagers turn to a life of crime and violence. I have also heard the parents of these teens make excuses for their actions. "It's just a phase." "He isn't addicted." "She just made one mistake." These are all excuses for the wrongful actions of their children, and I'm calling for an end to it. When you make excuses for your children's wrongful actions it makes them think that what they did was not a bad thing. If you do not tell your teen, and discipline your teen, then your teen will continue down the wrong path. Is this what you want as a parent?
In order to fix this generation we must first look to the parents. I know, parents can only do so much but life lessons begin at home. Parents, this is my outcry to you. Stop letting your children roam free. Underage, reckless drinking is not okay. Drug use is not okay. Crime, promiscuity and violence are all not okay. You must instill this in our youth. You must discipline your child if they do wrong. Never, never, never make excuses for your child.
Parents, teens may not always listen to you, but try your best. Your children may no longer look at you as a friend or the cool parents, but isn't this a small price to pay for the safety and well-being of your child? Please listen to the words of a simple 18-year-old girl. Please help save our generation.