Dear mom and dad,
Thank you for never putting me in a position of worry, but always being transparent about what happens in our family. It has always allowed me to grow emotionally and become independent. As I have aged, especially in college, my maturing has allowed you two to become more vulnerable with me and allow me to support you emotionally, like you have done for me. Being an only child, we have an extremely special bond.
I grew up with friends that barely, if any, had a relationship with their parents; it confused me. I grew up with friends that were immediately drawn to you both and were willing to share their hearts with you.
Mom, thank you for teaching me the importance of an understanding heart and perseverance. In low points of my life, you have always been my biggest cheerleader and encourage me to never quit. I would have never tried out for dance again without your constant push of encouragement. I would have never made it through the scary beginning of panic attacks freshman year of high school and later, struggling with mental health spring semester of freshman year of college.
I have always confounded in your heart and trust to able to go to you regardless how big or small the situation. You have always said that I am the strongest person you know, but I would be nothing without your example and teachings throughout my life.
Dad, thank you for teaching me the importance of hard work, leadership, and a good laugh. When the going gets tough, you get tougher. You have always been my light in the darkest of tunnels. You never let your struggles define you, and that is an example, that you have set, I have learned the most from.
Even though we are perfectionists, you coached me to know your mistakes are what you grow from the most in life. You taught me that leading others is not about telling it about doing. And of course, no matter the situation, we can always make light of it by making others laugh and being able to laugh at ourselves (and mom). You are the sunshine in my life and I am forever a daddy's girl. The example that you have set for what a husband, a friend, a father, a leader should be has exceeded any expectation I could ever have. You are the reason I value myself.
Lastly, thank you both for showing me, throughout my life, what a marriage is supposed to be. The amount of love and acceptance that you provide inwraps everyone you encounter. You taught me being with someone, even when working two jobs and living off Ramen Noodles can be the most fun times in your life. No matter what struggles came your way, at the end the day, you both knew that everything was going to be okay. I could not ask for more and you two make me so proud.
I love you both. I am so thankful that you brought me life and you are my parents.