To My Parents Who Are Becoming Empty Nesters,
You’ve spent the last 20+ years taking care of my siblings and me. Between setting up playdates, taking us to football games, and sending us off on our first dates, you’ve managed to give the best advice and create the most embarrassing yet memorable moments, and for that, I thank you. I have been (and always will be) so thankful to have you by my side, helping me with homework and telling me when I deserved better with my friends. I’ve seen you say goodbye when my other siblings went to college and how well you kept your composure. You expressed sadness and hope in a way that I could only dream of showing when letting someone I really care about leave me.
To My Mom,
Thank you for showing me love when I just brushed you off and not telling me “I told you so” every time you were right. I am going to miss hearing the classic “How was your day? Did anything exciting happen?” after coming home from school everyday. I promise I will use my manners and be polite just as you told me to do so whenever I left the house, and my please's and thank you’s will be never ending. It will be hard to kiss you goodbye for the last time, but I will try to remember it will only be the last time until Thanksgiving break.
P.S. I will miss your cooking…a package of fresh baked treats will be gladly accepted.
To My Dad,
Thank you for teaching me how I should be treated and that it is always important to have your own values. You remind me that sometimes it is better to move on than to burn bridges to prove a point. I am so grateful to be able to know I can come to you with any situation and have your help separating logic from emotions. You have set great examples from showing that no night is complete without ice cream to always remembering that my confidence about myself is not defined by other people. I will miss your horribly-cheesy, hilarious jokes, but I expect even more when I come home to catch up for lost time.
It will be a weird transition for the two of you and I wish you the best. I will be alongside you in your journey, and do not worry, I will be home for all of the breaks and summer, so you have not gotten rid of me 100% yet. I will find my place at school like the rest of my siblings and will learn quickly that younger sibling perks do not work in college. It will be rough and eye opening to say the least. Thank you for teaching me everything I need to know, whether I wanted to learn it or not. I am as excite to see you start your new journey as much as I am to start mine.
Love you!