When parents come to visit you at school, many thoughts rush through your head before, during, and after the visit. Here are just a few.
Before they arrive:
1. I hope they bring snacks.
2. I wonder if mom made cookies.
3. They better be the shape kind from Pillsbury.
4. I hope they brought money to buy snacks.
5. Maybe they'll take me to Meijer to buy food.
6. Oh my gosh.
7. I need to clean the entire apartment in the next 20 minutes.
8. Crap. I haven't done laundry in three weeks.
9. Where can I put this laundry?
10. I hope they can find my apartment.
11. What are we even going to do when they get here?
12. I hope they don't expect me to have my life together.
When they arrive:
13. I missed them so much! Yay! They're here!
14. Oh no. They're here!
15. I hope they like the restaurant I picked.
16. I didn't plan anything for after lunch.
17. I should have planned something for after lunch.
18. Uggg. Not another dad joke.
19. They can be so annoying.
20. Why do I have to keep explaining how snapchat works?
21. I hope they want to go somewhere fun for dinner.
22. I should probably give my mom more hugs.
23. Oh my gosh they are so embarrassing!
24. Oh my gosh I am so embarrassing.
25. I bet everyone wished they were a part of our family.
26. We are so funny! Inside jokes for days!
27. I should take more pictures of us.
28. WOW our pictures are always so bad.
29. I should give my dad selfie lessons.
30. Oh no. He is not wearing another one of my school's shirts.
31. He must own 80 of them.
When they leave:
32. I miss them already!
33. I have so many problems I didn't get to talk about with my mom.
34. I hope they visit again soon.
35. When is Thanksgiving again?
36. I miss mom's cooking and watching the game with dad.
37. Maybe we'll have my favorite dish when I come home!
38. I can't wait to see them again.
39. They are so great.
40. I love them alot.