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Parenting While Traveling

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Parenting While Traveling

Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Friends and other Family members - when your child gets into a tantrum, what do you do? Did you know there are safe cry-it-out methods? I believe that a child should not be held at every tantrum. If you can see your child is physically not hurt, and emotionally not hurt, I let her cry-it-out. Children under the age of 3 are a lot smarter than you think. My daughter is going on 18 months old in September of this year. Not to be stereotypical but she has red hair and blue eyes, I know I am in for some trouble. She constantly wants to get into things she knows she shouldn’t. For example, when I am in the bathroom doing something, like most children, she wants to be right there with me. I allow her that freedom. I mean how else am I suppose to go to the bathroom. But when she starts to get into the shower-stall and take a bath by herself - that is what I am talking about. She knows that she takes a shower with mama. She tries to be so independent. Of course I get a little upset, and say ‘Oh L why?’ and put her in her crib or pack and play for a time out after I get her cleaned up. Another example, just now, I am sitting here writing this for you all. And the couch we are using is the type that has the middle fold down and has cup holders. I fold the middle down to use it as a stand to put my cup of whatever I want to drink, and my homework. She wants to climb on it, and just doesn’t like the word 'No'. So into the pack and play she goes after the third time. Golly gee golly.

Do you ever wonder why children don’t listen? Me too. Join the club. But I am 100 percent thankful for the bad times with my daughter. I would not change them for the world. There are some people out there who would do anything to have a child. And there are other people out there who seem to have children every two years on the dot. Sometimes I think people should be limited to having 5 children. If someone has more than 5 children, they are breaking the law. Maybe I watch a little too much sci-fi.

You know that moment when you are trying to do some homework and all of a sudden you hear a loud crash and bang? Yep. That’s when you should enforce the cry-it-out method. She’s bored 99 percent of the time. That’s all it is. She wants to go outside, and gets upset when I am inside doing something. The cry it out method is not neglecting your child. I repeat, it is not neglecting your child. Parents get into all kinds of debates now a days about whether or not the method is effective. I feel it is. At least it works for my little family.

Another thing that L does is she just screams randomly throughout the whole night. Do any other children scream like that? If I had to guess, I would say that every child has their own witching hour. It was worse when she was an infant, but now that she is a toddler I actually wonder what is wrong with her. From 3am to 4am it’s constant ‘MAAAAAAAAAAAA’, in reality she really has no reason to get all upset. But I don’t really care much for it. I just deal with it. I have kind of become immune to it. I don’t even notice it anymore. Please tell me that I am not the only one? Just like I automatically know when she has a stinker. It’s like I can smell it a mile away before anyone else.

While I am here in Connecticut on vacation, I am getting some extra cuddling time with my baby girl. So super excited for that time with her. She’s just so peaceful. Who misses that? I actually love this state. If I could move into this little apartment I am staying in at my aunts, I totally would. But unfortunately that would never be in the cards for me. One can only dream. Tomorrow, there is talk about going to Cabela’s which is someplace John and I never have been. And then Saturday, we are going to her beach house for a BBQ with my other family members. I am seriously beyond excited for this time.

I am now home in Maine and have discovered the ride to Connecticut isn't all that long to begin with. I also came home to two packages of Lularoe! That was mighty refreshing. The most comfortable pair of leggings you will ever own. I also bought a Randy. It's a beautiful thing. Thanks to the two consultants which have sold to me! The only thing that would have made my time more enjoyable would be having internet - and a travel crib.

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