The thought of being a parent makes me so excited to become one. I work at a daycare and have always been surrounded by baby cousins always giving me baby fever.
My family relationships class has already taught me many things about parenting.
The first thing that class taught me is "Moms' are important, but so are dads". I am going to try my hardest to make sure I let the father of my child to be just as involved as I am. I don't want my husband to feel like he can't do anything for our child, and I will make sure to let him know that.
I will give my child as much of my time as possible because to them love is spelt t - i - m – e. If I have multiple kids, I will have one-on-one date nights with my kids. So, they know that I care about each one of them equally and I will encourage my husband to do the same.
We learned about the different types of parenting out there and I hope to be an Authoritative kind of parent. They are nurturing and communicate well, allow their children to make age appropriate consequences, encourage supervised growth, and experiences.
I want my child to feel like they can be honest and truthful with me. I want them to feel like they can make mistakes without me going crazy on them but know that there are consequences for misbehaving. I'll let them know making mistakes is a natural thing about life and they need to make mistakes to be able to grow. I will make sure I nurture them as much as they need me to. I will communicate to them and be honest about things going on because I didn't really have that growing up.
I want to be the best parent I could possibly be.
There was a list that we were given in class titled "Children Need" and they are:
Unconditional Love: I will love my child no matter what they do, and I will make sure they know that.
Undivided Attention: I will make sure we have family dinner and family time. Sundays will be family only AND phones/technology will be very minimal.
Reasonable and appropriate boundaries: Again, I will love my child no matter what and for who they are. I will not change them, and I'll let them be who they want to be.
Affirmation and encouragement: When my child need it, I will give them all the encouragement and affirmation that they need during that situation.
Positive Role Model: I will try to the best of my ability to set a positive example for my children.
Conflict Resolution Skills: I will try to show them the right and appropriate way to solve a conflict.
Strong moral and spiritual foundation: I plan to show my children that going to church is a good spiritual foundation by taking them every Sunday well try to at least.
Limited exposure to violence: My children will not be watching or playing video games at a young age that shows violence.
Healthy self-image: I will teach my children to love themselves just the way they are despite what they see/hear on social media.
I'm going to try to be the parent I wish I had.