To the parent who decided to walk out, It’s hard some days to watch our child grow up without you seeing him. It is even harder to bear when he starts to do things that resemble you and when he has your smile and I can’t tell you about it. I hate how we had all these dreams and hopes of how well co-parenting would work out, how we would be different from all of the rest of the people. It has only been three months since you have last been a part of his life, he still says “da da” sometimes, and it is just difficult to cope with the fact that he won’t be seeing his father.
To the parent who decided to walk out, I know it is easier for you to blame me. It is even more difficult that you blame me because you do not see your child. It is hard to be the evil one in the sight of other people when there is always more than one side to every story. Of course, there will always be people that will side with the one who places themselves as the victim and will think I am in the wrong.
I do however know that I am putting my child in the best possible environment and my child is surrounded by people and family who want what is best for him and who truly love and care about him. My son does have the best role models in the world, and although he may not have his father or his fathers family. My family and my close friends
make up more than enough love to go around for our son.To the parent who decided to walk out, the only thing that I am thankful for is that you decided to leave while he was so young, he will not be able to remember you or anything that happened when he was just a small little baby. I can delete and remove all of the photos from social media, and all the photo books but it doesn't erase the pain in my mind. I dread the day when he gets older and will start to ask "Where is Daddy?" and I will have to find a way to tell him those answers.
I have no idea how to tell my son that his father is no longer in his life, that they are a danger to him anyway and that he decided to leave and pretend it was my fault. I'm not going to make him look like the bad guy in my child's eyes, I know one day we will not be in our small hometown anymore so it will easier to go places without reminders and we will feel more secure and he won't have to worry about running about into him.
To the parent who decided to walk out, I hope one day you regret not fighting for the best child in the world. The child that makes everyone smiles and that can turn a bad day into a good day. He can almost walk now, and say so many different words. He is such a smart little boy, and you are missing out on every single moment of it. I am thankful that I do not have to share my child with anyone. I could not imagine how anyone could stand to be away from this sweet precious gift that God blessed us with. I sure could not bear to be away from him. I can not imagine life without him.
To the parent who decided to walk out, thank you for helping me realize that we are strong and I am stronger than I ever realized. Thank you for helping me realize that I needed to lean on God a lot more and that I can depend on no one but, myself at the end of the day.
To the parent who decided to walk out, I hope you realize what you lost one day.