Parent-teacher conferences can be stressful for everyone involved. Both teachers and parents can feel stress leading up to them, but it doesn't have to be that way. Here are a five fast tips for parents to make them run smoothly!
1. If there is a problem, don't bring in administration unless you've already tried to work things out with the teacher first.
When you bring in admin, it automatically turns up the stress level for everyone and the teacher will mosts likely feel like they have to go on the defensive. It will be much easier to work things out if you deal directly with the teacher first.
2. Your child does not always tell the truth about what happened at school.
All kids lie... even the most well-behaved kids lie and embellish sometimes. Make sure you are open to hearing the teacher's side of any story. If not, your child's teacher may just start to believe everything they say about what goes on at home, and believe me, I've heard some doozies!
3. Keep in mind that your child is not the only one in that class.
Teachers know how much you love your kids—we love them too. We just have to balance the needs of all our kids, not just yours.
4. We can't solve every problem with every kid.
Sometimes we come across issues that we can't help or fix with kids. When that happens we all need help. If we bring in Special Ed teachers or mental health professionals, we aren't saying that there is something is wrong with your child. We're saying we need a little help helping them.
5. We're not perfect.
Sometimes we make mistakes because we're human. Please don't expect us to be perfect, because we don't expect your kids to be perfect.
6. Ask if you should bring your child.
I normally love to have my kiddos come and hear how awesome they are, but sometimes there are things that need to be discussed with parents that kids don't need to hear.
7. Bring coffee.
Ok, I'm kidding... sort of! Conferences are long days for teachers and seeing a Starbucks cup in your hand will really make the teacher's day!