The season of Parents Weekend is upon us once again. Many of us have seen the numerous pictures posted by college accounts of parents at tailgates, immersing themselves in our college culture-and for that Moms and Dads, we applaud you. The world has its fair share of drinking games, but when it comes to drinking games that are appropriate to play with the people who raised us, we're sure to hit more than a few duds. So to save everyone some precious time, I've put together a list of games that allow everyone to ~rage with some respect~.
First thing's first-the classics.
Beer Pong
Flip Cup
Flip Cup is another classic that's bringing home the gold in the realm of family friendly drinking games. It brings out the competitive edge in everyone, and really there's nothing like trying to down beer faster than your dad, and cheering on your mom while she frantically tries to flip a solo cup on the dining room table. If you're a little blurry on the rules, you can double check them here.Quarters
Quarters is similar to flip cup in that it has the same sense of urgency and it can be just as frustrating. On the upside, you can prove to your siblings that just because you weren't athletic growing up, doesn't mean that you can't totally own them when it comes to getting a quarter in a cup. There's a few different ways to play the game, pick your poison here.Next, the more complicated games.
Waterfall is a game of chance, and every card you pick is sure to be promising in adding to the atmosphere this game creates. Each card is assigned a certain rule or task, but you can adjust them to what ever you prefer. You can check one version of the rules out here.
Ride the Bus
No, not the same bus you used to roll up in to middle school, this one is much more fun. The rules seem more complicated than they really are, but once you get the hang of them you'll be ready to play all night.
Presidents and A$$holes
This one is golden. The player's ranking is determined by how quickly they can use all of their cards. President is the highest and I'm sure you can figure out what the lowest is. Whoever is in a higher ranking than you can boss you around AKA it's your time to get revenge on your siblings for all the things they did to bully you growing up. Don't delay playing this game any longer.
Family game nights just got taken to a new level.