Eight years ago, Barrack Obama was widely celebrated for his victory as becoming the first African-American president. Eight years later, protesters fill the streets as part of the “Not My President” movement, while an image of a man burning the American flag appears across worldwide social media platforms. What people fail to recognize is the paradoxical message behind their actions.
“We are only strong as we are united, weak as we are divided.”—J.K. Rowling
Donald Trump is our 45th President of the United States of America. There are no ‘taksies backsies,’ or re-dos at this point. That being said, I understand that a massive amount of suspicion and downright outrage have arisen out of the outcome of this election, however we cannot change a fact that has resulted from our historical democratic process. In fact, there is no reason to complain about a ‘rigged system’ when over 80 million Americans surrendered their right to vote in this election (margin of + or – 15). No matter the argument, it is unacceptable to reject the title of presidency to someone. Let me further clarify by stating that I am not necessarily suggesting that you must agree to liking Mr. Trump as a person regarding his ideology or lifestyle, but rather that we cannot withhold something which he has won according to the electoral college.
I was a Bernie Sanders fan from the get-go of this election, but his political revolution came to a sad end after the primaries. I was devastated, and I recall the protests that occurred against Hillary Clinton shortly after she became the Democratic Presidential Nominee. Donald Trump is in the same shows, except millions of protesters are involved across the U.S., even going to lengths of desecration of the American flag. How can we resort to this barbaric action?
The flag contains the fabric of this country’s story—the past, present, and future. We should not burn something that reminds us of the hardships this country has faced, or the soldiers that have died fighting in the most patriotic manner possible. It is one of the most foolish acts, and could be considered one of the most deplorable, un-American action committed.
Donald Trump won this presidency in 5 ways:
- He appealed to the majority of white, uneducated voters.
- He had a rhetoric that was absent of “political correctness” (he had no filter).
- He capitalized on anger, firing back at every attack causing the media to break out in a frenzy.
- He went off script in most speeches and debates.
- He had high-profile support, but refused it by being “self-funded.”
This is his strategy, and it made sense to the majority of Americans. Yes, Trump has made extremely misogynistic and disrespectful remarks to multiple people(s), but who can we really point the finger at? Is it Trump that was at fault for appealing to American voters? Or, were the voters who felt as though he was appealing at fault?
You see, we cannot truly blame Trump for every infraction. He would not have won without supporters, and who knows if he would have won if those who had not voted showed up at the polls on election day; it takes two to tango. Protesting his presidency with violence is only preaching further disunity among our country. All eyes are on America now. What message do we want to send?
I will never understand what it is like to be in the shoes of a minority, an undocumented immigrant, or any oppressed person, but I am asking that we put aside the hatred for the next president and fill it with hope. Take your anger and fear and put it to work for the better. Protesting is not unacceptable, it is a right to all, but let us not forget the true meaning behind what a protest stands for as a whole. Both Clinton and Obama have urged their desire for unity and have even agreed to aiding Mr. Trump in his path to presidency. We do not have to listen to what our governmental figures tell us, but we do have to respect our country by accepting the results, and ridding our streets of violent protesting. I will leave you to ponder the words of one of the greatest men to ever live.
“Darkness can’t drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate can’t drive out hate; only love can do that.”