I look around me to see what is; I look around me to see what is to be. Let me ask you this, do you see?
Why is it this world seems to repress itself? Why do we stifle the beauty within ourselves to please others? Is it for acceptance, a sense of belonging, or is it fear? This I do not know it is only you who can answer this. I look and I see; What I see is a mother, a young mother who is afraid scared feeling alienated and alone. I come to her and ask her, "Why do you feel this way? Life is beautiful and you are bringing a new light into this world". To which she replies simply, "no it is not". To which at this point I inquire to ask why that is. She tells me, she feels alone because her family has abandoned her, because she is with her first child, and she is still yet only a child. She tells me she feels alienated from her peers because now she just feels like another statistic. She tells me she feels scared; scared for herself, and scared for the child that she is bearing and that she does not know how she is going to support her child without the support of her parents. I ask her of the father, and she tells me he is completely out of the picture and wants nothing to do with either her or the child. It seems to me this young girl’s fears are justified. So to her, I say, "you can stay with me"until you figure it out".
One month goes by she is still thinking about what to do. Sometimes it seems almost too much for her. So I remind her she is strong and that not every battle in this life is easy. Also that I believe she will be just fine. As a little time goes on she still thinks, but now she seems to be in a better mood. I take that as a good sign. Not long after I notice these subtle changes things do change.
It just so happens that after about three months she comes to me and tells me, "I think I have finally figured out what I’m going to do. What is that my friend? To which she simply replies, I’m going to do what I need to do to support the life that is churning inside my belly. For what am I but a light house along the way in a new life that is to be, and it is my duty to be a signal of hope a forever burning light for my son in this journey we call life. For what else is a mother but a loving guide nurturing the next generation of young bright flames that are meant to bring light to this world".
It is through the kindness of a stranger that this girl learned that beauty is created within ourselves, even when surrounded by the darkness that dwells in the form of worries and ruminations of one’s self. It is for this reason, I write this piece. So that we do not lose faith in the light that burns within humanity. The light that is the never dying hope of the human will and spirit. So if feeling hopeless maybe read this little piece to gain food for thought.