You come out of nowhere
I see you coming but I don't when you'll get here
You pull me up in your winds
I get lost in the spinning
When I land I am held down by your weight
I try to move
I try to run
I want to scream but can't find my voice
As I try to break away from your grip the light goes dark
When I can see again you have put me in a box
You have allowed me to stand and scream
But you keep me chained and locked away
I try to run
I try to climb
I try to break through
I throw myself at your wall
I scream for help
I cry in hopes of drowning this pain
Yet the wall never breaks
No one ever hears my screams
And the tears never cause a flood
I act like you aren't overpowering me
I say you aren't real
I don't acknowledge you
Yet you stay there
You never loosen your grip
I never remember what happens before you decide I can be free
For I am never free from your grip
You just let me out of the storm until you come again
And once we meet again your tortures get worse