Panic! At The Disco: The Band That's Done Everything | The Odyssey Online
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Panic! At The Disco: The Band That's Done Everything

From one song in 2005 to sold out concerts in 2017, learn how Panic! At The Disco has helped a generation.

Panic! At The Disco: The Band That's Done Everything

For thirteen years, Panic! At The Disco has been one of many vocal talents for the alternate pop genre. They have produced a great amount of popular songs such as: "I Write Sins Not Tragedies," "Nine In The Afternoon," "This Is Gospel," "Miss Jackson," "Victorious," "Death of a Bachelor," "LA Devotee," "Golde Days," etc. It wasn't until this weekend, though, that I noticed they're more then just a band.

This weekend I attended the Death Of A Bachelor tour--and let me tell you, it was INCREDIBLE. However, it wasn't until I was there that I noticed the love that the audience had for the band. Then it hit me. Most of everyone who had attended the concert grew up listening to "Panic! At The Disco." When they, including myself, were younger 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies' was first released. This is the song that made them huge, and we were finally seeing them. (Note: some have seen them perform before for me and some friends it was our first time) So I decided to have a small interview with some concert goers to see how they have been impacted by the band.

Q. How has Panic! At The Disco or Brendon Urie (the lead singer) impacted you and what do you like most about them?

A. "One thing I like is the way that Brendon Urie talks about how much he loves his fans and how he communicates with them. P!ATD has impacted me in so many ways. I put them on shuffle and any song can instantly brighten my mood. They gave me happiness when I needed it the most." - Madi T.

Q. What do you like about Panic! At The Disco?

A. "I love them because they genuinely give their best for their fans regardless of what the "norms" for music are." -Ariana S.

Q. How has Panic! At The Disco influence and/or impacted you? Also, is there anything you'd like to tell them?

A. "Panic! at the Disco for me is one of those bands that I happened to come across during high school. Since then, I haven't been able to get enough. Each album has it's own unique style, and they each mean something different to me. Panic! has brought me closer with my now best friends. How could I ever repay someone who helped me find my best friends and essentially find my voice? Four years ago, I wouldn't have known the impact artists and bands like Panic! were going to have on my life and confidence levels, and I'm extremely thankful for them." - Ainsley K

This band has helped so many of today's teens and young adults. One reason is due to Brendon Urie being open about his mental health, and how it affected him growing up. This is really important since in today's studies, mental health is one of the hugest topics that is needing to be covered.

The next reason many people are drawn to them, is due to them being openly accepting to the LGBT+ community. In fact they even came out with a song called 'Girls/Girls/Boys', and in the chorus it says "love is not a choice." This is not only giving the community a voice, but also a place to call their own. One thing that I found remarkable about the fandom was that's in his performance of 'Girls/Girls/Boys' fans handed out heart and that you shined your light throughout and it lit up the entire stadium.

Since the concert, I have only been able to recollect my experience there. As well as the joy that it has brought me and realization of being apart of a fandom that's so amazing. Hopefully I'll get to see them again, and maybe thank the band for everything they've done. Below is 'Girls/Girls/Boys'.

((Quick note: April 12th is Brendon Uries birthday))

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