There is a ton of science that proves that taking care of yourself is a perfect way to keep spirits high and live life to its fullest. Here are ten scientifically proven ways to be happier and stay positive.
1. Self-care!
Take the time to make sure that you’re taking care of you. Maintain a balanced diet, take care of your basic needs, and even set aside a few minutes to do something special for yourself. This might be painting your nails, watching an episode of your favorite show, or taking a walk at night to see the stars. Remember: a healthy you is a happier you.
2. Catch some zzzzz's...
Even though this one may seem laughable, especially to college folks, it’s true that you will be more positive throughout your day if you have sufficient rest! Make sure that you are getting in seven to nine hours of sleep every night, and treat yourself with a nap during your busy day! Sleep is not for the weak!
3. Hit the gym
Exercise is a feel-good activity that you can do no matter where you are. Either hit the gym, go for a jog outside, or do some yoga with some friends. Exercise is possible to fit in every day, but remember to do it at your own pace and not to push yourself beyond your limits! Try to get in at least 30 minutes each day.
4. Smile!
Showing your pearly whites can actually make you feel happier, according to several psychological studies. If your expression is happy, you will start to feel happier, and who doesn't like smiling? Whether it's watching some cat video or hanging out with a friend, do at least one thing every day that will make you smile!
5. Go hug a tree
Leaving the confines of your room and seeing the great outdoors is a great way to de-stress and will also get you exercise. If you’re like me, it can also serve as inspiration for hobbies such as photography, painting, and writing. So get out there, get some good ol’ oxygen, and soak up some Vitamin D. You’ll feel so much better afterwards!
6. Jam out!
The song wasn’t lying, music really does “sooth the soul.” Kill two birds with one stone: feel good and listen to some tunes and also get a workout in through an impromptu dance party. Hey, we've all done it. Music is a perfect way to get you moving, get a smile on your face, and bring on tons of positive vibes!
7. Write it down.
Journal each day about what you’re grateful for in life. For every negative thing that happens throughout your day, write down something positive, too. It will begin to remind you that it’s just a bad day, not a bad life. This may also help you think more clearly about what’s ailing you. While you're at it, at the end of each day, write down what you did for you!
8. Keep busy!
Staying idle is an inevitable way for anxiety and boredom to build. More often than not, when you're not keeping busy, you'll dwell in the negativity of life, and that is never fun. So, plan out a schedule for yourself each week, and stay occupied. You'll thank yourself later!
9. Practice regular positivity.
Being positive can help beat out our negative thoughts and emotions and bring on regular positivity, especially during periods of grief or sadness. Eventually, just like smiling, positive thinking will become a habit and second nature. Don't worry, be happy!
10. Breathe!
Meditation and relaxation can definitely help you feel less stress, depression, and anxiety. Treat yourself each day to some down time; you'll go crazy otherwise. Take a long, warm shower, do some deep breathing, and take some time to reflect on life. Having a little relaxation time each week is a wonderful thing for your overall wellbeing.
So, remember to pamper yourself and, as Rafiki says... "Just breathe."