Paint Night Thought Process | The Odyssey Online
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Paint Night Thought Process

Come on, you're all thinking it.

Paint Night Thought Process

You have all seen it. The photos cover Facebook and Instagram. The infamous "Paint Night" has become the latest girl's night out thing to do. Painting, wine and your friends, what could go wrong? Well as I came to know this very week after spending a Paint Night at The Paint Bar in Boston, a lot can go wrong. As I am sure most girls can relate (or maybe I am just telling myself this to feel better) these are the thoughts that everyone has when attending a Paint Night:

1. "We should do something different this week! A few people I know have done one of those Paint Nights and it totally looks like something we would enjoy and be able to do!"

2. "Oooh, it's $35, that seems reasonable. Wait ... I thought this was BYOB. Great now on top of $35 we have to buy all our drinks there, but it will totally be worth it because this is something that we've never done before."

3. *gets to the Paint Bar* "This place is super cute and the music choices are perfect! I am sure I will really be able to come into tune with my artistic abilities."

4. "All of the paint, paint brushes, and easels reminds me of middle school art class! I am sure everything I learned will come right back to me and I will be a natural!"

5. "Oooh the picture we are painting looks more difficult than I realized. I am sure it will be fine though and it is easier than I think"

6."Is it just me or did the instructor start off a little fast? I am a little behind, but I am sure I will catch up"

7." Okay, it's time to locate the bar and get a drink. I need to calm down a little and enjoy myself."

8. "Why does everyone keep looking at my painting and smirking and laughing?'

9."Wait ... my painting looks nothing like the one we are trying to replicate ... or anyone else's in the class for that matter."

10."Okay so now the instructor is laughing and smirking at my painting. Is that really necessary?"

11. "Great, now I can take a bunch of pictures with my friends, whose paintings came out really good, for them to post all over social media. Mine will definitely stick out like a sore thumb. Can't wait for everyone to comment on how bad my painting is."

12."I'm never doing this again!!"

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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