Something that I have heard much too often during finals week is the phrase “Pain is temporary, GPA is forever.” While I first thought it was an inspirational quote, I quickly realized that it was sending the wrong message. By saying that simple phrase, it gives the impression that everything should be done in order for grades. It says that grades are the most important part of college. That is completely wrong.
Yes, grades are important, there’s no denying that. But they are not everything. A great GPA is important to get into your reach college, or medical school. And while graduating Summa Cum Laude is extremely impressive, that only goes so far. But your physical and mental health is something that lasts a lifetime, and should not be taken lightly.
Just take a look around a college campus during finals week and you will quickly realize that people are putting their health on the back burner. Coffee and caffeine is the go to drink at all hours of the day, and sleep is deemed a waste of time. Students just assume that the more time they spend studying, the more beneficial it will be. A surprising fact is that being awake for 18 hours is equal to a Blood Alcohol Content of 0.08%, which is legally drunk. You would never try to take a test after drinking, but pulling an all-nighter has the same effects.
It was found that the percentage of college students possessing anxiety problems has been on the rise since 2009. Anxiety causes one to be worried and on edge, along with a string of other emotional and physical symptoms. It has also been shown that depression and anxiety have been linked, and having one of them makes you more likely to suffer from the other. Anxiety and depression can both be sparked by the feeling of not being good enough, which is easy when comparing your self-worth to just a letter grade.
Thinking that everything you do can be described with your grades is wrong. People are more complex and cannot be summed up with a single number or statement. An entire lifetime of achievements and effort cannot be shortened into anything less than that. By comparing yourself to others and their grades, you are thinking less of yourself.
The mindset of constantly comparing yourself to others, or thinking that you are not good enough is extremely unhealthy. As hard as it can be, stop comparing yourself to anyone else, and just focus on your own growth. Only you know what you have been through, your effort, and your successes.
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t study during finals week, or stop caring about grades all together. But, I think that someone cannot be summed up by a transcript. You are more than a diploma or piece of paper with your accomplishments. You are more than just a number or letter, and deserve to treat yourself with respect.
So plan accordingly. If you know you have a test coming up, start studying days beforehand so that an all-nighter is not needed. Don’t forget to take care of your body with healthy food and exercise. In order to succeed, you have to respect yourself first. So good luck to everyone with upcoming assignments, and remember that your worth is more than just a GPA.