Oregon is known for our fantastic breweries and people assume that all Oregonians are sophisticated beer drinkers who spend the majority of their time at these local breweries. However, not all Oregonians are like that! Some of us don't even like beer, like our Odyssey president, Elizabeth. The Oregonians that enjoy beer are typically hipster beer drinkers who LOVE an ice cold Pabst Blue Ribbon after they get off work. For the past few months, I've been enjoying the PBR life, even though my boyfriend and parents think it's disgraceful that I like "such a disgusting beer."
1. A fresh, cold PBR takes like the nectar of the gods
A hot summer day has no better friend than a cold PBR. The taste is so exquisite that people will drive for HOURS in other countries to get a taste of the delicious beer (or so I've heard from my former cousin).
2. Pabst Blue Ribbon is very affordable
It's one of the cheapest beers at most places, which was how I got into drinking it. Every college student has a budget of some kind, and getting drunk for the least amount of money is the best way to get drunk.
3. Drink a 40 of PBR to yourself and you'll understand why I like it so much
A 40-ounce Pabst Blue Ribbon will get you lit for quite a while if you get drunk easily. Otherwise, more might be necessary, but it's so reasonably priced that even if you DO have to drink more, your bank account won't be mad at you the next day.
4. Being Pabst Blue Ribbon drunk is one of the best kinds of drunk
Maybe beer drunk is just my favorite kind of drunk. But, still who doesn't have a good time once they're low-key wasted after chugging a couple 40s?