This November, we're approaching a very important time for politics. And that is, the midterm elections. While the presidential elections are held only every 4 years, the midterm election is to vote for members of senate, state and federal congress, governors, and more local positions. While the presidential elections are much bigger and more publicized, the midterm elections are just as important.
Our congress has a lot of power, so if you at all disagree with how things in our government are currently going, vote! And vote for congress people who care about similar issues as you do.
If you live in Pennsylvania however, you have an even bigger responsibility to vote. Pennsylvania is a swing state, meaning the decisions made by the state can go either way, and have a large and lasting impact.
So this one's for residents of Pennsylvania. Here's how to get ready.
1. Register To Vote
Step 1 is the obvious one. Register to vote. You can register online at PA Voter Services, or other state-government sponsored websites. You can also register by sending an application through the mail, or by registering in person. If you're on a college campus there are usually services available to help you to register, or groups such as NextGen America who can register you.
For Pennsylvania, the midterm election takes place on November 6, 2018, which means you have to be registered at least 30 days prior, by October 9, 2018 at the latest. You don't have to be 18 by October 9th to register to vote, as long as you'll be 18 by November 6th.
2. Tell Your Friends And Family
Once you're registered to vote, make sure all of your friends and family are too. Talk to them, make sure they plan to go out and vote, and that they understand the importance of voting.
Youth in America, being those between the ages of 18 - 24, make up a large portion of citizens, and are some of the more progressive and new thinking people in the world. However, we historically have a low voter turnout.
If we want to change the world, we have to vote.
3. Know Where/When To Vote
Based on where you live, the location you vote at changes. Make sure you're aware of where you're supposed to vote, so that things will go smoothly when you go to vote on November 6th.
Plan out what time voting registration closes, and what time before then you intend to go. Work voting into your schedule and know what your plan is ahead of time. Americans don't get the day off to go and vote, so make sure you're able to find time to vote on your own.
4. Do Your Research
Before November 6th make sure you do your research. Read about the candidates. Read about the positions. Read everything and know who you're voting for and why. Pay attention to the issues, and which candidates will make the impact you want.
Your vote matters! Voting matters! If you want to make a difference, and if you want things to change, you have to vote, and you have to do things in your power to make a change.