Attention to all my JAP's and NJB's: If Yiddish words are not yet used in your everyday life, you're doing it wrong. Whether you've heard these words from your Bubbee, your Safta, your Zaydeh... I know you know them. You know you know them. So why not use 'em? Here are the top 17 words you know Granny will kvell over.
1. “Oy”
Pronunciation: \oi\
Definition: Pretty much the Yiddish equivalent for "ugh," "oh no," and/or "oh my"
Oy, how did I eat that entire bin of Mandel Bread already?
2. “Shvitz”
Pronunciation: \sh-vits\
Definition: To sweat
What's this winter? I wanted to wear my new Hanukkah sweater! I'm shvitzing!
3. “Bupkes”
Pronunciation: \bub-kiss\
Definition: Nothing, but with a little oomph.
I invited her to my Bat Mitzvah, and what did I get? Bupkes!
4. “Chazerei”
Pronunciation: \khaz-eh-rayh\
Definition: Junk, worthless, something terrible. Primarily food.
These store bought latkes are chazerei.
5. “Chutzpah”
Pronunciation: \khutz-puh\
Definition: Nerve.
I can't believe she told me I'm a JAP! I mean, I am, but she sure has some chutzpah.
6. “Fercockt”
Pronunciation: \fuh-cok-ta\
Definition: To be all screwed up.
She doesn't like kugel... that's just fercockt.
7. “Fermisht”
Pronunciation: \fe-mish-ed\
Definition: Frazzled, overwhelmed.
Do I go to Hillel or Chabad for Shabbat? I am so fermisht!
8. “Klutz”
Pronunciation: \klu-ts\
Definition: An awkward, uncoordinated person.
She tripped while walking up to the bimah. What a klutz.
9. “Mensch”
Pronunciation: \men-sh\
Definition: Someone of good character; does a lot of mitzvot.
My boyfriend is such a mensch; he always brings me Matzoh ball soup when I'm sick.
10. “Meshuginna”
Pronunciation: \mesh-oog-en-uh\
Definition: Crazy.
He doesn't like challah french toast. That is just meshuginna.
11. “Nosh”
Pronunciation: \nah-sh\
Definition: To snack; or a snack.
I'm just going to nosh on some leftover brisket.
12. “Plotz”
Pronunciation: \pl-ah-ts\
Definition: To be aggravated; to (emotionally) burst.
I am just plotzing over the fact my roommate ate my Matzah toffee.
13. "Shayna Punim"
Pronunciation: \shay-nuh poon-em\
Definition: A pretty face; a cutie patootie.
*Every Granny ever* Just look at that shayna punim!
14. “Shlep”
Pronunciation: \sh-lep\
Definition: To carry; to exert effort moving something(s).
Will you help me shlep these bags upstairs? Just some light shopping.
15. “Shmooz”
Pronunciation: \sh-moo-z\
Definition: To gossip; small talk.
Dad, can you stop shmoozing with Rabbi? I'm going to miss "Grey's Anatomy."
16. "Shmuck"
Pronunciation: \sh-muh-k\
Definition: A foolish person.
He dumped you?! What a shmuck.
17. “Tuches”
Pronunciation: \tuh-kh-iss\
Definition: A better term for butt.
Cyc was rough today. Really killed my tuches.