Every day is a new day, but I never quite know what my anxiety might throw at me. There are the really good days, the good days, the bad days, and the really bad days. Over time, I have recognized it might never get easier but I am capable of learning to own it and becoming comfortable and YOU should too.
You are never alone with your anxiety. In college it is only natural that might become worse. I have been so fortunate to be surrounded by a great group of friends that I know will always be understanding even if they do or do not know how it just might feel. There are some week nights where I desire to go out and socialize but sometimes crash as the time begins to roll around. I used to become embarrassed to tell my friends as I never wanted to appear as a 'loser' but I have learned by admitting to not only myself but those around me that it might not be my night to go out, they will always be understanding and respecting.
By owning my anxiety, I have opened myself up to so much more. I no longer am scared of trying new things as I know most people feel just as anxious and nervous as I do and I will never know unless I try. Before, I let my anxiety take over my life and refused to branch out or try something I would not normally do. Although sometimes I apply for certain positions and do not get accepted, I have learned to not let my anxiety discourage me from believing I am not capable of success. In addition, these situations have allowed me to grow in confidence as I continue to go to interviews or network at a variety of events.
As mentioned before, every day is a new day. Stop being scared of the new day and learn to welcome everyday with open arms and acceptance. Some days will not be easy and some days will be but do not let it discourage you from finding your path to success.